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148754 Posts
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heres another good one from the same thread...they're trying to prove how UNC travels better than State...look how relevant this example is

Quote :
"UNC took 5K more fans to the 1993 Peach Bowl than mooU did 2 years later against the same opponent."


Quote :
"I'm in Raleigh and have not found one State fan that is going to their bowl ; but nice try. "

12/13/2010 5:29:39 PM

All American
9828 Posts
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Well I live in North Carolina and have yet to see a UNC fan that went to UNC

12/13/2010 5:34:23 PM

56200 Posts
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^^ link to thread?

12/13/2010 5:35:19 PM

148754 Posts
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12/13/2010 5:38:40 PM

oh we back
25782 Posts
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Quote :
"as for the ACC, state fans will buy more tix intentionally, not b/c or for their team but just to show up UNC fans, program and make themselves feel better that they do something better than Carolina. thats all"

From that thread...apparently State fans don't give a shit about actually supporting the team. We just want to have better ticket sales than UNC. Makes perfect sense.

And another:
Quote :
". it's easy for state fans to pound their chest about taking a little drive crosstown over to Durham/Chapel Hill or Winston...ooooh wow, impressive. i have notice state fans over the past few yrs, in their attempt to gain some form of self-identity whatesoever possible, travel to ACC away games and bowls. "

[Edited on December 13, 2010 at 6:21 PM. Reason : unc fans are dumb.]

12/13/2010 6:20:02 PM

266 Posts
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Folks at IC pissed about this gem from TOB:

"First thing I'd like to say, I saw the thing buried in the back of the paper the other day about our learning resources department being the first one certified by the national board in the ACC. It's a great story and a great compliment to them. They are compliant with everything on the national level as far as tutorial and tutorial services. I think it's a little bigger deal than was reported here in the last couple days."

Quote :
"He takes a jab at us as well as one at the media for "burying" his wonderful news in the back of the paper. What a piece of work"


12/14/2010 9:58:12 AM

All American
2621 Posts
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^ haha, i knew that was gonna piss them off. And TOB is right. Why not have a story like that front and center ESPECIALLY with this year of scandal in college football; the "here's some people who are doing it right" kind of story. Im not a media conspiracy theorist but stuff like this raises the eyebrows.

12/14/2010 10:23:00 AM

3125 Posts
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really he should be mad at whoever is responsible for PR

12/14/2010 10:37:08 AM

All American
2621 Posts
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well they obviously got the story out, i think its just placement

12/14/2010 11:29:11 AM

All American
5160 Posts
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Heres another gem:
What I find funny about this is that they are all getting into a hissy fit about what TOB is implying (in the quote above), telling the few that disagree to "read between the lines", yet they read Wetzels article on Newton and take it exactly as written, completely unable to pick up on how it drips with sarcasm. Referring to the author of "Death to the BCS" as a BCS apologist is good too.
Really, a few months ago, their argument was players deserve to get paid, but someone tries it while not wearing baby blue, and they are the ultimate villian...and now they are calling someone else out for being a hypocrite. Fucking amazing.

12/14/2010 11:31:29 AM

148754 Posts
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^yeah that thread is hilarious...i love how they eat their guy is basically like "TOB is just trying to promote something at his school, its not a knock on UNC" and everybody else is like "HOW DARE YOU YOU MUST BE A WOOFIE"

this is pretty hilarious too...they tried to do a coach of the year poll skew thing on some site...this thread is about how round 2 for voting is now up...guess who isn't even a finalist...and guess who is

12/14/2010 2:06:14 PM

All American
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haha ^ such a poll skew FAIL on the part of the dimwits and we clearly succeeded in skewing the poll because which name on the finalist list doesn't truly belong: TOB. We had a really good year, but not national coach of the year worthy. Just more reasons to laugh at UNC-CHeat

"Considering Butch was in the top 10 when the initial polling ended, I'd say we should give Liberty Mutual a collective F U."

"What a joke, I just went to vote and couldn't believe Butch wasn't there. I won't give another hit to their site."

[Edited on December 14, 2010 at 3:39 PM. Reason : ]

12/14/2010 3:37:30 PM

148754 Posts
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12/14/2010 7:31:17 PM

37776 Posts
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I like how those dumbasses still throw around "character". lol. I can't wait for the NCAA hammer to fall on those clowns.

12/14/2010 7:47:31 PM

7062 Posts
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do they _really_ expect butch to be a finalist for coach of the year, when his program is in the shadow of the ncaa?


12/14/2010 7:57:46 PM

All American
2621 Posts
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haha, they are so pissed at Luke DeCock, check out this internet tough guy

Quote :
"Lick and his buddy, Carlton "BDMG" Tutor have nothing to write about.
They lack an analysis of the game, but they need to fill space so.. here we go again.

All I can say is just wait.. Soon I'll ask them to let me know how they want their crow serverd.
When this is over and the fat lady has sung, I will be merciless with these guys. If they take any shot at anyone, I'll post a response on their articles for the world to see. I will expose them for the numb nuts they are. .

CROW..Sever it cold, that's the best way."

12/15/2010 11:46:11 AM

All American
11744 Posts
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12/15/2010 11:58:19 AM

Duke is puke
20897 Posts
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12/15/2010 12:15:11 PM

All American
524 Posts
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Quote :
"In fairness to toby, he doesn't really have much to offer. He's got to try to land kids somehow and he's not above being unethical to do it. We're lucky in that UNC is an easy sell to recruits for a vareity of reasons (beautiful campus, great education, great facilities, great coaching staff, great college town, etc.)...State, not so much"


Quote :
"and they beat us with 2 star recruits... just saying!"

probably a troll but at least there is some sanity on that wasteland of a board!

12/15/2010 1:09:06 PM

All American
982 Posts
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Quote :
"In fairness to toby, he doesn't really have much to offer. He's got to try to land kids somehow and he's not above being unethical to do it. We're lucky in that UNC is an easy sell to recruits for a vareity of reasons (beautiful campus, great education, great facilities, great coaching staff, great college town, basketball)...State, not so much"

12/15/2010 1:28:28 PM

Thots and Prayers
41777 Posts
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Quote :
"In fairness to toby, he doesn't really have much to offer. He's got to try to land kids somehow and he's not above being unethical to do it. We're lucky in that UNC is an easy sell to recruits for a vareity of reasons (beautiful campus, great education, great facilities, great coaching staff, great college town, Free trips, watches, jewelry, don't have to write your own papers, jobs or houses for your parents)...State, not so much"

12/15/2010 1:32:21 PM

All American
11472 Posts
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Quote :
"I'll post a response on their articles for the world to see"

LOL. The world will be waiting...

12/15/2010 1:41:34 PM

All American
2621 Posts
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On the Prospects of RW possibly not coming back...

Quote :
"As for Wilson returning next year...I'm divided. One part of me wants to see him return and the other doesn't. I want him to return because we beat them with, or without him. I also want to beat him because I would like for people to realize he is not some mythical player who can't be beat. No doubt he is a tremendous college QB, but I think we often time give him too much credit as a poster above mentioned when discussing our poor play against the wolpies and Wilson's fluke TD.

While I want to see him return, I also realize he should go. Being a former athlete I can't see how he could turn down that kind of money to return for another mediocre season and the potential for injuries. Either way, I hope he does what is best for him. He has never come off as a typical wolpie. I actually like him and quite a few of their other players including Irving and Greene. Those guys seem like class acts and deserve the recognition they receive. Too bad they have a dooshebag for a coach and a bunch of idiot jerks for a fanbase that ruin it for them."

haha, mythical player.

the best part is they claim we're obsessed with them and their must be at least 6-7 NCSU only articles on their front page alone right now.

12/15/2010 1:45:41 PM

All American
31924 Posts
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I really love how UNC fans desperately cling to a failing superiority complex in the face of increasing irrelevance.

12/15/2010 1:51:54 PM

148754 Posts
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Quote :
"the best part is they claim we're obsessed with them and their must be at least 6-7 NCSU only articles on their front page alone right now."

yeah for all their talk about how Duke is their only real rival (even in football!), I don't see any Duke threads on their football board...but there are plenty of threads about State, RW, TOB, etc

But we don't even exist to them

12/15/2010 2:07:53 PM

37776 Posts
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We have mythical players. They have mythical national championships(1924)

12/15/2010 2:08:04 PM

56200 Posts
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Invite some of them over here, will be so entertaining

12/15/2010 5:13:30 PM

All American
28518 Posts
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please don't

12/15/2010 5:15:39 PM

56200 Posts
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You skurred?

12/15/2010 5:22:51 PM

148754 Posts
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Jaybee your head would explode from their lack of objectivity

12/15/2010 5:26:51 PM

State Oz
All American
1897 Posts
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what is so beautiful about their campus? it's fucking crammed together

the sky is so blue in chapel hill? oh yea, glad it's not that green-tinted shit we have in rawlee

the women? plenty of hot women elsewhere, including rawlee, g-vegas, fayettenam, and the dash

the town? most liberal place on the planet and directly connected to the 2nd most liberal place on the planet (carsboro)

great facilities? football stadium is a dump, dean dome sucks compared to rbc, carmike gym produces national champions at state (div 4 intramurals)

12/15/2010 5:28:59 PM

All American
45943 Posts
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Carolina has a pretty nice campus

I've peed on every tree in that courtyard on Franklin, beside the planetarium

Really nice place

12/15/2010 5:35:03 PM

148754 Posts
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here are a few of the thread titles on the first page of their football board...they really don't even know we exist, and they certainly don't care about us

"NCSU Decommitment Tracker"
"TOBy at it again"
"Is State's own treatment of Valvano the reason for their venom?"
"O’Brien Not Confident QB Wilson Will Return 2011 Season"

they also have TUFF threads, like:

"It's too cold for football right now!"
"2008 Car Care Bowl on espn Classic"

12/15/2010 5:37:13 PM

All American
2621 Posts
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^ hahaha, i was going to start just such a list, good job, don't forget.

"Red X-Mas Tree Atop Blue Zone!"
(they believe the red xmas tree was put there by state pranksters)

"Is this Peter Singer's dad?"
(making fun of the Singer family)

(thread devoted to how NCSU coaches are negative-recruiting the underwood kid from Fuquay)

"Apparently WVU has a coach-in waiting"
(discussion of wvu situation with ill-will towards NCSU at the end, but that's in almost every thread over there)

"Playing Defense on the Recruiting Trail -- posted"
(this is how NCSU and VT are negative recruiting all of UNC's recruits)

12/15/2010 6:21:27 PM

All American
24672 Posts
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is "wolpie" supposed to be some sort of negative nickname the tarholes have for us? If so, thats pretty fucking weak

12/15/2010 7:55:38 PM

37776 Posts
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I think it's based on the wolpack or however it was misspelled.

12/15/2010 7:59:16 PM

148754 Posts
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yeah just making fun of wolfpack being misspelled 'wolpfack'...imo thats more clever to use that than "rawlee" or "wuffies"

12/15/2010 8:01:12 PM

37776 Posts
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I wonder if when they tell people what the state capital of their home state if they pronounce it rawlee?

12/15/2010 8:14:35 PM

All American
28518 Posts
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wolpie is a legit burn

[Edited on December 15, 2010 at 8:17 PM. Reason : ]

12/15/2010 8:17:23 PM

The Stubby
7786 Posts
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wolpie is just painful to even try to read... in a way, not .. it sounds like the ramblings of a 2 year old child, but that wouldn't surprise me coming from IC

i usually post Go Wolpfack in every football game thread.. mostly just because i think it's funny, but whatevs

[Edited on December 15, 2010 at 8:23 PM. Reason : ]

12/15/2010 8:22:15 PM

148754 Posts
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Quote :
"I didn't mean that Ackley wasn't good. He was probably the best hitter in CWS history."

12/16/2010 3:01:54 AM

Not an alcoholic
8015 Posts
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what's wrong with that? I can't look it up, but Ackley was pretty damn good for a few years. I'm pretty sure he set some records

12/16/2010 3:30:29 AM

148754 Posts
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Best hitter in college world series history? I'm no expert on the stats of the CWS but I'm sure there were some other players who had better numbers

12/16/2010 3:34:49 AM

All American
4458 Posts
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wuffie, wolpie, rawlee. chapel hell. tarhole. unc-cheat. dook. twerps. ezu.

all of these insults are shallow and pedantic.

shallow. and. pedantic.

12/16/2010 7:26:15 AM

All American
2621 Posts
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i think 'tarhole' is quite genius. it has so many layers of complexity and burn

12/16/2010 7:51:22 AM

148754 Posts
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Quote :
"And...what if the NCAA gives UNC a so called "slap on the wrist" Then the pi** pup pack will squall like a baby that dropped his passy...Which i am praying for knowing that UNC getting basicly no penalty will drive those wuffies over the edge over at the animal shelter + Tudor and Giglio may jump of the roof of the "N&O house of rags" then they can ban me forever after i rake them over a cold dish of crow they will be eating!..Then it's off to chew on Mark Packer's a**!"

12/16/2010 1:57:21 PM

All American
21263 Posts
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I think I actually lost IQ points reading that post.

12/16/2010 2:09:19 PM

Thots and Prayers
41777 Posts
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only a tarhole would talk about looking forward to eating another man's ass.


12/16/2010 2:11:10 PM

All American
2642 Posts
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Quote :
"what's wrong with that? I can't look it up, but Ackley was pretty damn good for a few years. I'm pretty sure he set some records"

He leads for most career CWS hits. Not in the top ten in career batting %, though. He didn't place in either in series or game records.

Also leads for most career CWS chances without an error. He's in the top five of a few other categories.

12/16/2010 2:11:14 PM

56200 Posts
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come on, invite those bitches over

12/16/2010 9:58:11 PM

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