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All American
3051 Posts
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wow, I am so glad that TWW operates the way it does. IC already has like 10 threads up about Larry Drew. TWW would not tolerate such behavior.

2/4/2011 11:34:48 AM

All American
25609 Posts
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let's has been awhile. i suggest after the duke game.

2/4/2011 11:36:22 AM

All American
1604 Posts
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In a thread about Austin Rivers talking to a reporter and saying that UNC wasn't a rival because they're not very good, a poster with nearly 24,000 posts wrote

Quote :
"At least we don't have LICE!!!"

It really isn't much of a stretch to say that it is like a mentally retarded child's playground over there.

2/4/2011 11:43:00 AM

All American
1084 Posts
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[Edited on February 4, 2011 at 2:25 PM. Reason : Sorry...I now see that this has been discussed elsewhere.]

2/4/2011 2:20:33 PM

All American
12801 Posts
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I vaguely remember that guy... going off on us in our home game last year.

/I don't follow UNC basketball that much.

[Edited on February 4, 2011 at 2:29 PM. Reason : -]

2/4/2011 2:29:18 PM

All American
12280 Posts
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wow how is unc going to get sick recruits now that their fanbase has run off another player

2/4/2011 2:41:47 PM

Duke is puke
20897 Posts
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The DL coach UNC hired on 1/11/11 just left for the Cowboys.

Basically, he got paid to recruit for a couple weeks and left.

2/4/2011 3:59:24 PM

All American
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^^b/c they're UNC, and their recruiting can't be compared to NS State's?

[Edited on February 4, 2011 at 4:01 PM. Reason : ]

2/4/2011 4:00:47 PM

All American
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^^he was supposedly the reason they snagged that 5* DL kid that had never been to Chapel Hill on signing day.

2/4/2011 4:16:04 PM

All American
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In thread about how Kenan needs to seat 80,000...

Quote :
"Although sometimes alumni don't seem to appreciate it, what we can use more of is "subway alumni" -people who latch on to us because we're winning and like our coach, stadium, etc., which we have lots of in BB. Many of our best BB fans never attended CArolina."

Just what they need...more Walmart fans.

2/4/2011 6:27:17 PM

37776 Posts
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Quote :
"subway alumni"

Does that mean people that worked at Subway? Where the fuck is the subway in chapel hell??

2/4/2011 6:28:51 PM

All American
6059 Posts
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are they doing the "insult ourselves about fans not attending our school" so that WE will stop doing so???

sadly i dont see that happening... walmart program for life

2/4/2011 6:31:39 PM

Brass Monkey
All American
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Haha, one of my good friends who went to Carolina despises most of the Wal-Mart fans. I imagine that is a common feeling amongst many UNC alums.

2/4/2011 6:40:46 PM

All American
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I know every fan base thinks the others are stupid and stuff, but those guys are just damn delusional. They're set on believing that we told kids about Butch (or someone) having cancer, like we're trying to lure them away...which I think is flat out ridiculous.

2/4/2011 7:59:37 PM

All American
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Quote :
Rashad McCants
ok here goes...been out 2 years now. my facebook has all kinds of charities and foundations. my mother is a breast cancer survivor and I am to the viewers considered crazy. but lets think a sec. 17 year old kid walks into his dreams with hopes and big goals. all to later find out that i need to see a therapist bc my coach dont understand my facial expressions. with the mistakes and miscommunication that happened while in college. I was ready for a fresh start at the highest level. all to walk into the first question of my nba career. How does it feel to be compared to JR Rider? hmmmm..... this happened right after shaking the hands and receiving my hat. you gotta pay for the rest....See More
2 seconds ago"

[Edited on February 5, 2011 at 3:28 PM. Reason : LUNATIC FANS]

2/5/2011 3:15:43 PM

All American
10713 Posts
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holy fuck that thread is GOLD

McCants father sounds like a damn idiot and Rashad is STILL crying about what happened.

2/5/2011 3:30:49 PM

All American
9828 Posts
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NCSU player arrested for DUI
Quote :
"He should never be allowed to play again"

UNC player gets DUI
Quote :
"While unfortunate, a DUI is not exactly unheard of among college-age kids.


2/5/2011 3:39:32 PM

All American
9828 Posts
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Quote :
"To lead the nation in combine invites, that really speaks volumes about the talent this staff has brought in and developed the last four years. All hail Butch Davis and Co.!"

Yet those last 4 years, you couldn't muster up a win against a pitiful, 2 star recruiting NC State Wolfpack!!!

Quote :
"Kendric Burney
Bruce Carter
Shaun Draughn
Greg Little
Zack Pianalto
Robert Quinn
Da'Norris Searcy
Quan Sturdivant
Johnny White
Deunta Williams
T.J. Yates"

So pretty much everyone on the list except Yates and Pianalto were suspended at some point during last season, right?

2/8/2011 3:04:31 PM

uNC SUcks
All American
6270 Posts
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Sturdivant and Carter I think we were cleared before LSU.

2/8/2011 3:15:23 PM

All American
23302 Posts
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time for Inside Carolina to implode.

I bet I see threads like




2/9/2011 11:10:29 PM

All American
31924 Posts
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Quote :
"YES!!!! I made a bet with my duke boyfriend that I wouldnt have sex with him for a month if duke won and since he wont admit to the blatant missed's 3 months!!!! THATS WHAT HOME ADVANTAGE MEANS AT HIS!"

I don't think that's a bet.

2/9/2011 11:17:53 PM

Duh, Winning
62523 Posts
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oh if his gf is that way

he will be getting some this month, just not from her

2/9/2011 11:19:14 PM

Brass Monkey
All American
13560 Posts
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Wal-Mart Tarhole fans on my news feed are already blaming the refs. I'm glad I didn't watch the game, and instead decided to study and watch Rocky III on AMC.

2/9/2011 11:20:38 PM

All American
5160 Posts
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^^Yeah, fuck that girl

OT, but Tara Lynn (WRAL reporter with a porn name) referred to UNC as "We" three times in her report just now...professionalism!

2/9/2011 11:27:58 PM

hey now
Indianapolis Jones
14979 Posts
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LOL, Roy bitching about having to break in a 3rd point guard. Must be nice, faggot.

2/9/2011 11:32:41 PM

Duh, Winning
62523 Posts
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I keep Coke in my office, for when I choke.

2/9/2011 11:33:27 PM

#1 Sir Purr Fan
31378 Posts
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AHA, tower, parents suck, but UNC-CH fans are hilarious about it.

Damn these ignorant parents! Why won't they just let us exploit their child for the benefit of the program? They should be grateful their kid got to come to UNC anyway, considering how bad his high school academic record surely was!

2/9/2011 11:52:44 PM

All American
10713 Posts
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Quote :
"Posted: Today 11:47 PM
UNC goes farther then dook in NCAAs
After watching tonight and the past couple of games it is quite noticeable that UNC is the better team. Nolan Smith is a stud, but with no play from their bigs and Singler becoming inconsistent I see them out at the Sweet 16. Also, they can't win away from HIS against a truly good team. UNC on the other hand has shown it can play well on the road and away from Chapel Hill. Dook never improves throughout the season whereas this UNC team gets better with every learning experience. They will learn from tonight and get better. Remember how they responded after that GT game. I am looking for the same response from now to the end of the season."

I could quote 5-6 threads about the refs. Good grief they are bitching hard on that front.

2/9/2011 11:58:58 PM

oh we back
25839 Posts
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^lol...yes, even though UNC lost they were definitely the better team and it was obvious (I didn't see the game, but I didn't have to to know that's bullshit)

2/10/2011 12:03:19 AM

All American
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they also forget, Irving is out...when he comes back duke will be MUCH MUCH better.

Smith is better at the 2 but is playing damn good at the 1

2/10/2011 12:04:26 AM

#1 Sir Purr Fan
31378 Posts
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Quote :
"Ref's kept frustrating us and frustrating us, taking us out of our pressure game. Plain and simple. The frustration resulted in backing off on dook thus allowing them more shots."

The refs wouldn't let us foul the way we normally do.

2/10/2011 12:16:37 AM

All American
3895 Posts
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^The refs couldnt decide who to blow first.

And what is HIS?

2/10/2011 1:00:35 AM

Not an alcoholic
8015 Posts
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I think that's a UNC joke to re-name the Cameron Indoor Stadium to Hansbrough IS, since he never lost there

2/10/2011 1:09:56 AM

All American
8846 Posts
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Quote :
"God I hope we get an evenly called game in CH. I don't want all the calls. Just call it like it is."

2/10/2011 7:08:38 AM

All American
1044 Posts
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I know not from IC but to good not to post.
This from a UNC fan on facebook:

aaaannnd here come the status updates from the folks who got their dook degrees in the form of t-shirts at Wal-mart.


2/10/2011 7:19:03 AM

All American
10506 Posts
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fuckin WRAL is all "zomg what if someone else for carolina was there would they have won?"

2/10/2011 7:48:11 AM

no u
103356 Posts
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Quote :
"God I hope we get an evenly called game in CH. I don't want all the calls. Just call it like it is."

so they're saying they prefer a handicap?

fuck, lets take them up on this offer

[Edited on February 10, 2011 at 8:01 AM. Reason : yyyyyyyyyy]

2/10/2011 8:01:20 AM

All American
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Wow finally UNC gets called for one or two over the back calls and their fanbase implodes. I love it.

2/10/2011 9:07:50 AM

All American
18474 Posts
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Funny how the announcers kept talking about how much more carolina was outscoring duke at the line.. Yeah duke was definitely getting all the calls

2/10/2011 9:08:24 AM

All American
7207 Posts
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i just watched the 2nd half. didnt seem like a lot of bs calls to me.

2/10/2011 5:06:29 PM

All American
1860 Posts
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there were a couple of very questionable charge calls on UNC in the first half, similar to the ones on us in Cameron last week. and one fairly big missed foul call on a zeller shot with about a minute left.

that being said, duke always gets the calls in Cameron. every game, every opponent. and everyone in the conference knows it. the refs didn't cost unc the game, though, their guards forgetting how to hustle and play defense in the 2nd half did. but if we had lost that game like that, we'd be pissing and moaning about the refs too...

oh, and one side note - at one point in the first half i swear coach K called a timeout for the sole purpose of bitching at the refs. it was pretty funny, but it's definitely something i wish lowe would do occasionally when the other team is making a run and the calls aren't going our way. or maybe something our next coach can do...

[Edited on February 10, 2011 at 6:13 PM. Reason : .]

2/10/2011 6:11:36 PM

All American
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lowe should def take notes from k on working the refs

2/10/2011 6:48:12 PM

All American
4765 Posts
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Quote :
"lowe should def take notes from k on working the refs"

2/10/2011 8:47:35 PM

All American
2621 Posts
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IC'ers punking on their players' names.

Quote :
--- heelinhell wrote:

Jadeveon ??

That's not a first name. That's one of the elements in the periodic table.


Its right between Keeon and Norkeithus."

2/16/2011 8:29:44 AM

All American
14628 Posts
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so i just heard about a picture of me with roy that got a little touch of photoshopping. probably 6 or 7 years ago. i must see this. can't believe i missed it the first time

2/18/2011 9:22:33 AM

All American
9828 Posts
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Quote :
"I think that's a UNC joke to re-name the Cameron Indoor Stadium to Hansbrough IS, since he never lost there"

When are they changing their Football Stadium to Russell Wilson Stadium??

2/18/2011 2:34:53 PM

uNC SUcks
All American
6270 Posts
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Quote :
"OT, but Tara Lynn (WRAL reporter with a porn name) "

If that's a porn name...I need to ask my mother what the hell she was thinking...that's my first two names.

2/18/2011 2:54:44 PM

All American
2530 Posts
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Let's see, Hansbro was 6-2 against Duke, Lawson played and was 5-0.....I think UNC fans just got their rocks off from Hansbro destroying Redick's senior night more than anything.

2/18/2011 3:03:54 PM

4725 Posts
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I didn't want to create a new thread just for this, and this comment is actually about Nascar...but I'm putting it here as a text book example of a Wal Mart Carolina Fans mindset

Quote :
"don't understand the whole jr nation thing. I mean...I would hate pulling for a loser year after year!"

This guy is a pretty hard core UNC fan. Went to ECU and failed out after his first semester from partying too much. Landed at UNCC and had the same thing happen. Still doesn't have a degree and has bounced around jobs. Guaran fucking tee this guy is a giant Jr fan if he was as good as Sr.

2/20/2011 7:07:19 PM

All American
5160 Posts
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^Reminds me of the Hole fans who think they know more about basketball than you because their team is good.

^^^Yeah, but not your whole name, ala Amber Lynn or Ginger Lynn.

2/20/2011 7:32:22 PM

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