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All American
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I knew about the fences being put up

there’s been a bunch of unsourced tweets recently being shared as fact that have been proven false, so doing what I can do to make sure that wasn’t one of them

5/5/2022 11:33:11 PM

Save TWW
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5/5/2022 11:43:20 PM

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Hug it out guys

5/6/2022 12:44:15 AM

Forgetful Jones
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Quote :
"there’s been a bunch of unsourced tweets recently"


5/6/2022 1:56:32 AM

Save TWW
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It's OK to protest at abortion providers homes and funerals of soldiers, but not at a SCOTUS justice house??

5/9/2022 6:26:19 PM

All American
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it’s the same bad faith bullshit it’s always been, and Democratic leadership has fallen for it, yet again

shocker of shockers

5/9/2022 9:02:18 PM

Pupils DiL8t
All American
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I wonder how this Supreme Court would rule on whether Congress unconstitutionally delegated legislative power to the SEC.

5/18/2022 6:09:08 PM

Save TWW
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^this what you were referencing?
Quote :
"This seems like a pretty consequential decision "

5/19/2022 10:03:41 AM

Pupils DiL8t
All American
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Indeed. It's a 5th Circuit Court decision, but it seems right up this Supreme Court's alley.

5/19/2022 3:33:48 PM

All American
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Relying on Congress to craft detailed and enforceable laws and policy. What could possibly go wrong?

5/19/2022 4:33:03 PM

Save TWW
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Quote :
"The Supreme Court rules 6-3 against two men on Arizona's death row who say they received ineffective assistance of counsel in state court. SCOTUS says that federal courts reviewing their cases can't hold evidentiary hearings to fully assess their ineffective-counsel claims."

5/23/2022 1:58:18 PM

Save TWW
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Need to find a way for abortion to be a big money making scheme so that gorsuch and Robert will keep it legal. Maybe Amazon needs to start providing abortions.

5/31/2022 7:52:53 PM

Save TWW
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Quote :
"In a 6-to-3 vote, the Supreme Court ruled that border agents may unconstitutionally enter a person's home without a warrant and assault him and ... federal courts are powerless to do anything about it.

The border, once again, is a Constitution-free zone."

[Edited on June 8, 2022 at 9:08 PM. Reason : E]

6/8/2022 9:08:06 PM

All American
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^a border patrol agent beat the shit out of a guy with no probable cause and no warrant, trampling the guys 4th amendment rights. Later when the guy filed an administrative complaint with CBP, the border patrol agent called up his buddies at the IRS to take a “look into” the guy’s finances, trampling his 1st amendment rights.

Do we need a better example of “the deep state” attempting to destroy an average American’s life?

Which brings me to my biggest question on this case: Where the fuck are all the civil libertarians? This is literally big government wiping its ass with the bill of rights and all the libertarians are just whining about inflation and that 3d printed rifle parts are marginally more difficult to make legally. It’s a massive mistake to assume libertarians are willing to help defend the bill of rights along side liberals and leftists. They’ll be sorting through the remnants of your home after the Gestapo kicks your door in and takes you away in an unmarked van.

6/9/2022 8:42:02 AM

Save TWW
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Quote :
"Because fascists believe in racial/national superiority, they believe they will come out on top in the open market so can adopt libertarianism as a "civil" public stance.

When their race/nation doesn't come out on top, they just shed the sheep's clothing ? overt fascism."

6/9/2022 10:10:02 AM

Save TWW
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Quote :
"“The Constitution was interpreted as variously as the Bible,” Senator John P. Hale of New Hampshire responded. White southerners believed “the Constitution carries slavery with it,” while northerners construed the Constitution “to secure freedom.” As Hale and his contemporaries appreciated, resolving such a fundamental national disagreement could never turn on a court’s answer to which interpretation was more correct. Rather, the winning interpretation would depend on whether adherents could build sufficient political majorities to control the national government."

Quote :
"But the bills have all stalled in the Senate for two reasons that remain within its control. One, the filibuster, will be abolished as soon as 50 senators recognize that a permanently incapacitated Senate is far more destructive than an active Senate that might one day be controlled by an opposing party.

But the other obstacle may be more pernicious: a fear among legislators that there is no point to legislating if the Court will simply invalidate anything Congress achieves."

6/11/2022 11:37:31 AM

The Coz
Tempus Fugitive
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They can't overrule Constitutional Amendments.

6/11/2022 12:17:04 PM

Save TWW
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Quote :
"Thread: Today, the Supreme Court covertly destroyed a precedent handed down exactly 51 years ago.

Federal cops who try to kill you, who jail you on false charges, who violate the law in grotesque ways are now shielded from accountability. I'd like to explain how we got here.
On June 21, 1971, SCOTUS ruled that federal cops *could* be sued after they barged into a man's home without a warrant & strip-searched him.

But the Court has continuously undermined that ruling. Two weeks ago, it did that again. And today, the justices quietly killed it.
In 2011, Officer Heather Weyker made up a sex-trafficking ring & jailed a teen girl for years on bogus charges.

A court said Weyker broke the law—but ruled she can't be sued bc she was working for the federal gov't.

Today, SCOTUS let that ruling stand.
In 2019, DHS Agent Ray Lamb tried to shoot a man with whom he had a *personal* beef. His gun jammed.

A court said Lamb broke the law—but ruled he can't be sued bc he was working for the federal gov't.

Today, SCOTUS let that ruling stand.
In doing so, the Supreme Court effectively said that federal agents performing immigration duties have free rein to violate your rights without fear of recourse. They are, in some sense, above the laws they enforce.

Quite the job perk."

[Edited on June 22, 2022 at 8:54 PM. Reason : E]

6/22/2022 8:54:16 PM

The Coz
Tempus Fugitive
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Is today the day Roe goes down?

6/23/2022 9:41:07 AM

Save TWW
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Struck down NYs concealed carry law

6/23/2022 11:12:09 AM

All American
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They're busy today... struck down NY's Concealed Carry Gun Law that's been in place since 1913.

6/23/2022 12:06:25 PM

A Tanzarian
drip drip boom
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Alito's concurrence bringing that message board logic

Quote :
"Does the dissent think that laws like New York's prevent or deter such atrocities?"

6/23/2022 12:27:00 PM

All American
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would love to know the media intake of all of the conservative justices

6/23/2022 12:30:43 PM

A Tanzarian
drip drip boom
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Probably not dissimilar to Ginny Thomas'.

6/23/2022 12:40:31 PM

All American
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no limits on me just because of some crazy person!

6/23/2022 1:16:54 PM

All American
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Only crazy people break laws. The rest of us should be free and unbound by laws.

6/23/2022 8:08:53 PM

Save TWW
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Despite battles with utowncha, I think i can safely say they were being sarcastic/hyperbolic based on history. (although maybe cabbage knew that in which case I'll see myself out) (or maybe I'm wrong in which case, again, I'll see myself out)

6/23/2022 9:03:14 PM

All American
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Oh, I know utowncha was being sarcastic; I was just building on what he/she said.

6/23/2022 9:24:48 PM

Save TWW
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Well then as promised ill see myself out

6/23/2022 9:25:52 PM

All American
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Snake in the grass John Roberts ended up concurring with the “Alito 5” on Dobbs. What a dumpster fire.

6/24/2022 10:22:43 AM

All American
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i am getting conflicting info... was it 5-4 or 6-3?

[Edited on June 24, 2022 at 10:44 AM. Reason : nvm, damn roberts]

6/24/2022 10:40:43 AM

The Coz
Tempus Fugitive
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CNN headline says, "eliminating the constitutional right to abortion". Was it ever a constitutional right? Pretty sure this outcome was all but guaranteed when RBG died if not before. This is what is possible when the legislative body decides not to legislate. Your "rights" are adjudicated in courts of law subject to the whims of political appointments and trickery. It's a constitutional right when it's written into the constitution (ideally in a clear and unambiguous manner).

6/24/2022 11:18:16 AM

All American
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^I suppose it's debatable under the 9th amendment (which, as you say, is subject to the whims of political appointments and trickery).

6/24/2022 11:27:06 AM

Save TWW
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^^yes bc SCOTUS said so. Constitutional rights only exist as far as you can get 5 justices to agree. There's almost no constitutional right written with enough detail to stand up against someone that wants to interpret it differently.

Quote :
"On January 22, 1973, the Supreme Court issued a 7–2 decision holding that the Due Process Clause of the Fourteenth Amendment to the United States Constitution provides a fundamental "right to privacy", which protects a pregnant woman's right to an abortion"

[Edited on June 24, 2022 at 4:35 PM. Reason : But otherwise I agree Democrats failed to protect ]

6/24/2022 4:34:50 PM

Save TWW
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Quote :
"Clarence Thomas, in his concurrence with today's decision: "we should reconsider all of this Court's substantive due process precedents, including Griswold, Lawrence, and Obergefell."

Those decisions prevent states from banning contraception, LGBT+ sex, and same-sex marriage."

6/24/2022 4:36:14 PM

All American
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What about Loving?

6/24/2022 4:42:43 PM

The Coz
Tempus Fugitive
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Quote :
"What about Loving?"


6/25/2022 8:24:09 AM

All American
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I guess states better start writing protection laws. Or are they on vacation too?

6/25/2022 10:38:04 AM

Save TWW
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Quote :
"U.S. Supreme Court reinstates Louisiana electoral map faulted for racial bias"

Dems only solution is "vote" while scotus further strips VRA

6/29/2022 7:19:17 AM

Burn it all down.
18393 Posts
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Stop being a child

6/29/2022 8:21:34 AM

Save TWW
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Fuck all the way off

6/29/2022 9:57:18 AM

Burn it all down.
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I'm sorry you feel the need for 40 page powerpoint on the reasons to vote

6/29/2022 10:01:33 AM

Save TWW
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Sick burn dude

Maybe you should save your energy for the 1 or 2 people on this board that aren't guaranteed Dem votes. Unfortunately I'm pretty much straight ticket, despite what you might imagine in your fantasies.

6/29/2022 11:58:48 AM

All American
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we all know people like you and TGL are voting straight ticket. we are worried about the things you say and do that make people hate democrats.

there isnt really a nice way to explain it.

6/29/2022 2:59:18 PM

Save TWW
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I don't speak for the democratic party and my platform is tiny, you should be worried about other things.

6/29/2022 3:04:51 PM

All American
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“you know, I was gonna vote for the Democrat, but a few dudes posted something on a dying message board so I just can’t support the Democrat anymore”

6/29/2022 3:09:06 PM

All American
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Except there are millions of you.

6/29/2022 8:22:18 PM

Burn it all down.
18393 Posts
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TGL3, will you not admit that people like Joy Gray or others who have a big social media presence could have swayed enough people to stay home/vote Stein in 2016 to sway the election?

6/29/2022 8:31:27 PM

All American
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no, because social media doesn’t have that much of an impact

especially without data

6/29/2022 8:42:44 PM

All American
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Tell that to Cambridge Analytica...

6/29/2022 8:49:09 PM

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