Bullet All American 28588 Posts user info edit post |
It's horror movie time, any suggestions of good (maybe obscure) horror movies?
I just watched "The Wickerman" from 1973. It was pretty weird, kinda creepy. It's supposed to be filmed on a island in Scotland, and I think most of the actors are Scotish. It's got some musical parts, some of which are pretty irritating, but it adds to the weirdness. Someone reviewed it as "The Citizen Cane" of horror movies. I kinda see where they were coming from. 10/16/2012 10:06:49 AM
Bullet All American 28588 Posts user info edit post |
I just saw that they're remaking The Evil Dead, supposed to be much more violent and less campy than the original:
http://www.cinemapulse.com/news/leaked-comic-con-trailer-for-the-evil-dead-remake.html 10/16/2012 12:20:34 PM
justinh524 Sprots Talk Mod 28449 Posts user info edit post |
in no particular order
basket case C.H.U.D. killer klowns from outer space the gingerdead man all of the leprechaun movies 10/16/2012 1:12:57 PM
sand robot Sand Lion 2227 Posts user info edit post |
black christmas 10/16/2012 1:15:53 PM
Bullet All American 28588 Posts user info edit post |
ha, i recently rewatched Killer Clowns from OutserSpace. Not quite as scary as I remember it as a child, but it was very nostalgic. I also watched some of the first Leprechaun recently, with Jennifer Aniston. She was a much worse actor then (not that she's great now)
[Edited on October 16, 2012 at 1:17 PM. Reason : ^original or remake? I've been meaning to see those for years.] 10/16/2012 1:16:52 PM
sand robot Sand Lion 2227 Posts user info edit post |
def original
[Edited on October 16, 2012 at 1:25 PM. Reason : black christmas was definitely the beginning of modern day horror films] 10/16/2012 1:19:58 PM
Bullet All American 28588 Posts user info edit post |
Yeah, it's widely accepted as the beginning to the modern day "slasher" films, followed closely by The Texas Chainsaw Massacre. 10/16/2012 1:36:15 PM
justinh524 Sprots Talk Mod 28449 Posts user info edit post |
watch basket case.
whatever you do, don't ever watch death bed: the bed that eats.
worst movie i've ever seen. and not bad in a cheesy horror film with bad acting bad. it's just awful.
oh also, night of the lepus. although saying that is a horror movie is kind of pushing it. anything with giant killer bunnies is scary. 10/16/2012 1:45:06 PM
Bweez All American 10849 Posts user info edit post |
The Shrine is good and on Netflix
so is The Woman 10/16/2012 2:05:29 PM
screentest All American 1955 Posts user info edit post |
May 10/16/2012 2:18:30 PM
hydro290 All American 1703 Posts user info edit post |
Jacob's Ladder, Suspiria, The Orphanage, House of the Devil, 28 Days/Weeks Later 10/16/2012 2:38:11 PM
Wraith All American 27282 Posts user info edit post |
Check out V/H/S if you don't mind "fount footage" horror films. It's way better than other 1st person horror films like Blair Witch or Paranormal Activity. It is an independent film that released this year so it may be hard to come across but it's pretty good.
I also recommend the original 1980s Fright Night if you haven't seen it. Probably the best vampire movie I can think of.
An American Werewolf in London is another great one. The only werewolf movie I've seen where the wolf didn't look like a guy in a suit/makeup or a CGI fest. Also, the best werewolf transformation scene ever made. 10/16/2012 2:47:14 PM
Bullet All American 28588 Posts user info edit post |
Yeah, I have Jacob's ladder on VHS, haven't seen it in forever. I need to break-out my VCR soon and revisit all my VHS tapes. 10/16/2012 2:47:16 PM
pezking All American 3561 Posts user info edit post |
High Tension Inside Martyrs Hard Candy The Devils Rejects Fire in the Sky The Evil Dead Session 9
Tucker and Dale VS Evil Zombieland 10/16/2012 2:50:21 PM
Wraith All American 27282 Posts user info edit post |
^Tucker and Dale vs. Evil is a great comedy horror. When I saw it on Netflix I thought it would be absolutely awful but it turned out to be one of the funniest movies I've seen all year. 10/16/2012 2:54:17 PM
Bullet All American 28588 Posts user info edit post |
Hey, can some of yall give a few details to some of the movies you're suggesting? there's quite a few that I've never heard of (don't want to have to look-up every single one) 10/16/2012 2:54:18 PM
red baron 22 All American 2166 Posts user info edit post |
check out the movie Maniac. its kind of horror, noir, and grindhouse, but its fucking epic 10/16/2012 3:15:36 PM
ViolentMAW All American 4127 Posts user info edit post |
The alien abduction scene in Fire In The Sky scarred me for years when I was a kid. 10/16/2012 3:17:28 PM
ndmetcal All American 9012 Posts user info edit post |
Some of these may be more thriller than horror, but:
Triangle - mind fuck Antikörper - serial killer The Poughkeepsie Tapes - serial killer The Orphanage - spanish horror flick, probably most traditional style horror on my list Audition -more gore style The Dark Hours - mind fuck Funny Games - more realistic horror
None of these are the gore porn variety horrors (outside of Audition, though it actually does the gore porn in a good way in my opinion). If you prefer stuff like Nightmare on Elm St or Zombies, then my list probably isn't for you 10/16/2012 3:17:32 PM
sand robot Sand Lion 2227 Posts user info edit post |
event horizon is awesome, but that's more scifi horror 10/16/2012 3:28:01 PM
LaserSoup All American 5503 Posts user info edit post |
Night of the Living Dead / Dawn of the Dead / Day of the Dead Dawn of the Dead (remake) The Plumber (Peter Jackson film, not really horror but creepy) The Beyond Silver Bullet Witchfinder General Anything by Herschell Gordon Lewis (more splatter than horror) The Thing Suspiria The Descent Return of the Living Dead (1 & 2)
[Edited on October 16, 2012 at 3:31 PM. Reason : 3] 10/16/2012 3:29:17 PM
wolfpack0122 All American 3129 Posts user info edit post |
^^ I came in here to post that. It's definitely one of my all-time favorites 10/16/2012 3:52:55 PM
ViolentMAW All American 4127 Posts user info edit post |
That Audition Netflix transfer is horrid. I can't even read the subtitles. Still need to see it. 10/16/2012 3:54:08 PM
Bweez All American 10849 Posts user info edit post |
Quote : | "Hey, can some of yall give a few details to some of the movies you're suggesting? there's quite a few that I've never heard of (don't want to have to look-up every single one) " |
The Shrine basically seems like someone saw The Wickerman and said "I can do better."
It's about some journalists investigating some disappearances occurring around a creepy pagan community. It gets pretty horrific.
The Woman is about a country lawyer douche who catches a feral cannibal woman and locks her in his family's cellar possibly with the intention of civilizing her. It's really fucking good.
Oh and it made this happen http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=o3lUAZLB4JY#t=1m09s
[Edited on October 16, 2012 at 4:20 PM. Reason : ,]
[Edited on October 16, 2012 at 4:20 PM. Reason : ,] 10/16/2012 4:17:42 PM
JP All American 16807 Posts user info edit post |
Cabin in the Woods Creepshow The Thing (1982 version) House of 1000 Corpses Monster Squad Lost Boys 10/16/2012 4:32:38 PM
pezking All American 3561 Posts user info edit post |
I liked Audition. Even went out and bought the DVD. But it all depends on if you're getting a set of movies to watch alone or with a group. If you show it to a group, that's the kind of film that some people will think moves too slowly in order to reach the eventual payoff. That's actually half the point of the film imo, but some won't appreciate that.
High Tension: I watch this one pretty much every year during Halloween. Refreshing take on the suspense/slasher genre.
Inside & Martyrs are the two that I show when the group thinks they aren't afraid to watch anything or think they've seen the same gore a million times. These go to a dark place.
Hard Candy: A look at the role reversal of typical predator and prey.
Fire in the Sky: Could be because some of the scenes scared the shit out of me when I was younger, but I remember it being a good alien film.
Session 9: Watched this due to the interest in film locations, and it turned out to be really good. All about the mind making enemies of one another.
I'm going to also add "Frontier(s)" and "Megan is Missing" as recommendations that I just remembered.
Megan is Missing was interesting because the entire film used some sort of POV shot the entire time. And it seemed very realistic, maybe even based on real events.
Frontier(s) is just a brutal survival film. Kinda made me think of a modern Texas Chainsaw Massacre. 10/16/2012 5:00:01 PM
saps852 New Recruit 80068 Posts user info edit post |
watched The Woman a few weeks ago, its pretty crazy. I enjoyed it
watched session 9 as well. I really wanted to like it because its right up my alley, but it was too slow for the first hour or so and then the payoff was just not good enough to make up for that] 10/16/2012 5:04:43 PM
Wraith All American 27282 Posts user info edit post |
Quote : | "Inside & Martyrs are the two that I show when the group thinks they aren't afraid to watch anything or think they've seen the same gore a million times. These go to a dark place. " |
Martyrs was probably up there as the most fucked up movie I have ever seen. Then I watched the movie "A Serbian Film". It isn't really a horror movie, more of a suspense/thriller but way worse. 10/16/2012 5:22:15 PM
pezking All American 3561 Posts user info edit post |
Martyrs was messed up in a way that I could appreciate as film that got a reaction from me. It made me think about it days after I had seen it.
A Serbian Film was messed up in a way that I didn't want to continue watching  10/16/2012 5:24:44 PM
Wraith All American 27282 Posts user info edit post |
^Yeah that's exactly my thoughts too. A Serbian Film seemed like it had all that crazy stuff happen for shock value. Martyrs seemed a lot more legitimate about it, especially since it makes you picture yourself in such situations. 10/16/2012 5:31:55 PM
LaserSoup All American 5503 Posts user info edit post |
Quote : | "A Serbian Film seemed like it had all that crazy stuff happen for shock value." |
Quote : | "Vukmir meets a hesitant Miloš afterward to explain his artistic style, showing a film of a woman giving birth to a newborn which is immediately raped by Raša, in what the director terms "newborn porn."" |
 10/16/2012 6:40:20 PM
ndmetcal All American 9012 Posts user info edit post |
he mentions wicker man & you clowns go with disturbing torture porn
why don't we suggest august underground, salo, & antichrist as well for movies he won't want to watch 10/16/2012 6:43:41 PM
Bweez All American 10849 Posts user info edit post |
he didn't ask for suggestions similar to the wicker man 10/16/2012 7:13:34 PM
Wraith All American 27282 Posts user info edit post |
^^I never suggested he watch "A Serbian Film". I just commented that it was the most messed up movie I've ever seen. 10/17/2012 9:27:53 AM
Bullet All American 28588 Posts user info edit post |
Lots of good suggestions here, and they're all welcome, my tastes are pretty broad, although i'm not a big fan of torture porn (i decided to turn-off the original "I spit on your grave" about halfway through, and that's probably not that disturbing compared to some). A Serbian Film sounds a bit too disturbing for me, but now I'm curious.
has anyone seen "the changeling"? what did you think. 10/17/2012 10:00:17 AM
Bullet All American 28588 Posts user info edit post |
I finally watched the original Black Christmas (a few days before christmas) and like it a lot.
I'm pretty excited that a remastered Texas Chainsaw Massacre is coming to theatres: http://insidemovies.ew.com/2014/03/06/sxsw-texas-chain-saw-massacre-tobe-hooper/?hpt=hp_t3 3/6/2014 1:52:05 PM
Bullet All American 28588 Posts user info edit post |

3/6/2014 2:22:40 PM
skywalkr All American 6788 Posts user info edit post |
I rank The Descent up there with the scariest movies I have seen and I definitely didn't expect it to be anything good at all. 3/8/2014 8:28:33 AM
BridgetSPK #1 Sir Purr Fan 31378 Posts user info edit post |
The House of the Devil is a pretty sweet throwback.

It's got a Walkman and pay phones, people!
[Edited on March 8, 2014 at 5:58 PM. Reason : ] 3/8/2014 5:57:25 PM
carzak All American 1657 Posts user info edit post |
^Yep, definitely worth a watch. Creepy as hell, and I love how it's set in the 80s.
[Edited on March 8, 2014 at 6:21 PM. Reason : 80s doesn't have an apostrophe] 3/8/2014 6:20:02 PM
Byrn Stuff backpacker 19058 Posts user info edit post |
Oh man, we watched Pontypool last night, and it was a lot of fun. It had some decent tension and for the most part it's shot in one location. It gets a little ridiculous in the third act, but I definitely recommend it.

[Edited on March 12, 2014 at 9:12 AM. Reason : poster]
[Edited on March 12, 2014 at 9:13 AM. Reason : .] 3/12/2014 9:12:14 AM
rjrumfel All American 23070 Posts user info edit post |
Gotta love shitty netflix straight to DVD movies.
I now have an appreciation for the quality of even the crappiest movies that make it to theaters. 3/12/2014 9:22:10 AM
Dr Pepper All American 3583 Posts user info edit post |
Quote : | "I rank The Descent up there with the scariest movies I have seen and I definitely didn't expect it to be anything good at all." |
agreed. 3/12/2014 7:19:21 PM
Bullet All American 28588 Posts user info edit post |
It's that time of year again. I'm going to try to watch the House of the Devil, as suggeted several posts up. 9/29/2014 11:57:29 AM
BanjoMan All American 9609 Posts user info edit post |
 Heard it was amazing by some very credible people.
9/29/2014 12:02:12 PM
JP All American 16807 Posts user info edit post |
A credible WWE-produced film?  9/29/2014 12:13:37 PM
Bullet All American 28588 Posts user info edit post |
I watched Hellraiser from beginning to end for the first time. A lot of cheesy dialogue, but it's done pretty well. I'm sure it was all the buzz in Fangoria back in '87.
Apparently Kevin Smith's Tusk was recently released. Anybody hear anything about it? 9/30/2014 12:31:55 PM
rjrumfel All American 23070 Posts user info edit post |
Some kind of prequel to The Conjuring, revolving around that doll in the artifact room:
 9/30/2014 12:53:23 PM
xienze All American 7341 Posts user info edit post |
^^ Hellraiser 1 and 2 are great. After that... not so much. 9/30/2014 5:42:48 PM
wlb420 All American 9053 Posts user info edit post |

9/30/2014 6:15:44 PM