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4724 Posts
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One of my students brought this up and its actually very interesting. I'm not sure exactly how this needs to be implemented but we definitely need to go ahead and make it legal for colleges to pay athletes

A. They bring in so much revenue to the universities and deserve part of it anyway.
B. They are poor and you have athletes that need to go out and steal just to feed their famliesi because all their time is spent on the university.
C. Theres no way to keep people/schools from doing it anyway and there would actually be a lot more partiy because you wouldn't have "honest" programs reluctant to engage in these activities.
D. Many would say "well now you're putting alll this money into 18 yr old hands instead of somehwere better" well "immature" spending would actually boost the economy.

12/21/2009 7:10:23 PM

All American
45943 Posts
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How are you not suspended yet?

12/21/2009 7:13:27 PM

All American
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I agree. In fact, I think that colleges should abolish academics and use that money to pay athletes to come to their college, at least the colleges that are already good in sports. If they want to get a degree or learn anything besides basketball they should go to a shitty sports school.

12/21/2009 7:23:17 PM

655 Posts
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mambagearl strikes again

12/21/2009 7:25:39 PM

148898 Posts
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Step 1: Get rid of Title 9

But I don't know if the OP would be down with getting rid of all the womens sports that lose money

12/21/2009 7:26:41 PM

Slave Famous
Become Wrath
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I loved when the other faculty at Texas was pissed when Mack Brown got a raise a few weeks back

Because their English classes were bringing in the same amount of money that his perennial top 5 team was

[Edited on December 21, 2009 at 7:31 PM. Reason : x]

12/21/2009 7:31:08 PM

All American
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12/21/2009 7:40:13 PM

274 Posts
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Because an English professor's job is clearly just to bring in money to the school.

[Edited on December 21, 2009 at 7:42 PM. Reason : or that ^ ]

12/21/2009 7:41:18 PM

Slave Famous
Become Wrath
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and thats exactly why they don't get 5 million a year

12/21/2009 7:44:00 PM

919 Posts
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What those teachers fail to realize is that athletics are pretty much self supporting. Its not like that $5million is coming out of the education budget.

12/21/2009 7:53:29 PM

Not an alcoholic
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I never realized until I was on scholarship, that somebody is actually paying your tuition. I thought the school just kinda threw you in for free and didn't charge you, but they actually have to raise the money and pay the school your money back. I guess it makes sense, I just never really thought about it.

12/21/2009 7:58:25 PM

All American
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when you click "reply" mamamamagrl wins

12/21/2009 8:54:28 PM

All American
27372 Posts
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How are you not suspended yet?

12/21/2009 9:13:53 PM

All American
3174 Posts
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Can't wait for her opinion on the forward pass in football.

12/21/2009 10:01:43 PM

All American
23473 Posts
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God did you just post another stupid thread

Half the fuck sticks that play will never go anywhere in life.

All those pro field hockey players

Shut the fuck up. Fuck

12/21/2009 10:07:50 PM

4380 Posts
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how are you not suspended yet?

12/21/2009 11:03:15 PM

All American
17732 Posts
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This is teh dumbest thread ever

12/21/2009 11:44:51 PM

148898 Posts
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mambagrl please address the aspect of this possibly happening which would be the dismissal of title 9, aka womens athletics

12/22/2009 12:02:50 AM

All American
4054 Posts
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How are you not suspended yet?

12/22/2009 12:15:32 AM

All American
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someone watched the u

12/22/2009 12:29:17 AM

All American
568 Posts
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HORRIBLE thread. Fail. Suspend.

12/22/2009 12:51:22 AM

All American
3597 Posts
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when you click "reply" mamamamagrl wins

how are you not suspended yet


12/22/2009 1:31:46 AM

Dick Danger
51059 Posts
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so you want collegiate athletes to be professional athletes

12/22/2009 2:10:04 AM

All American
5405 Posts
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this will end well.

12/22/2009 2:31:26 AM

State Oz
All American
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I'm in favor of paying athletes, but it needs to be limited. We also need to do away with Title IX (or pretty soon, there will be requirements that x number of players on a team must be of a certain race, etc.).

Just hypothetically speaking (aka feeding the troll)

$1500 per player per month during basketball season maximum
If you can't pay 13 players $1500/month then don't expect to compete.
Any school that couldn't afford that isn't going to be able to compete anyways.

I could go on, but you see where I'm going with this..

12/22/2009 5:27:34 AM

655 Posts
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You do realize that a large majority of athletes already are "paid" more than that as it is now, even on lowly womens bball and soccer teams.

[Edited on December 22, 2009 at 7:08 AM. Reason : .]

12/22/2009 7:08:13 AM

7062 Posts
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free tuition + free food + free whatever else = getting paid

12/22/2009 9:16:37 AM

Slave Famous
Become Wrath
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free tuition + free food + free whatever else = roughly 1/100th of the value Tim Tebow brings to the program there

He should be able to sign a deal with Nike, Subway, Tampax and whoever else wants his name on their shit

Also this way, we finally get the names in the video games

12/22/2009 9:19:48 AM

All American
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Quote :
"Also this way, we finally get the names in the video games"

12/22/2009 9:27:11 AM

#1 Sir Purr Fan
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I go back and forth on this issue.

Ultimately, universities are academic institutions first, then illegal drug distribution centers, and then sports clubs. And student-athletes are students first. While I know this isn't always the case, it doesn't mean we should just give in and make the NCAA a professional league. If anything, we should just do whatever we can to keep things from going that way.

12/22/2009 11:01:28 AM

All American
8383 Posts
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Quote :
"you have athletes that need to go out and steal just to feed their famliesi"

What the fuck are you fucking talking about?

12/22/2009 11:05:01 AM

All American
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I'll play your game, you rogue.

I'm pretty sure it's not illegal to pay them right now.

It's just unethical and against the rules of the NCAA. No one goes to jail for it.

12/22/2009 11:12:34 AM

All American
2530 Posts
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Quote :
"roughly 1/100th of the value Tim Tebow brings to the program"

There is only one Tebow in the history of college football, it's ridiculous to use him as your basis for a nationwide issue. Of course Lebron and Kobe were ready for the NBA, the one year rule is to try and prevent the 1,000 others who are in over there heads. Any rule or regulation should cater to the greatest amount of people. take out the top and bottom 10% and deal with the 80% in between when making a decision. Tebow being a god and the 3rd string manager for a community college's volleyball team are not the majority to me.

12/22/2009 2:47:04 PM

148898 Posts
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12/22/2009 3:02:44 PM

All American
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Quote :
"B. They are poor and you have athletes that need to go out and steal just to feed their famliesi because all their time is spent on the university."

Yeah I hear that is the only way JJ Redick made it though. haha holy shit that is a racist comment.

12/22/2009 5:28:00 PM

Not an alcoholic
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Quote :
"free tuition + free food + free whatever else = roughly 1/100th of the value Tim Tebow brings to the program there"

most companies (schools) make more money than what they pay the employees (players). that's kinda how it works. I don't think you're gonna get some company to pay you as much money as you actually bring to the company, because then the company won't actually make any money..

But I do think I agree that he could sign sponsorships and endorsements and stuff, that doesn't seem like it should be illegal.

12/22/2009 5:41:13 PM

Don Beebe
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Quote :
""you have athletes that need to go out and steal just to feed their famliesi""

lol that'd be funny if Tyler Zeller was well below the poverty line.

[Edited on December 22, 2009 at 5:42 PM. Reason : .]

12/22/2009 5:41:30 PM

#1 Sir Purr Fan
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AHAHAH, any players out there stealing to feed their families, come holla at me so we can talk about this thing called point shaving.

For once, I'll have the upper hand on Bodog!

12/22/2009 6:16:42 PM

All American
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i think we should hand out "legacy scholarships" to these student athletes. i mean, each of the mentioned revenue generating student athletes would get a handful of scholarships to assign to their dependents and spouses. or they could be scholarships for the individual to get follow on degrees - undergard or grad, pending they qualify academically. they could be conditional, and used as vouchers to other in-state schools.

for example, say John Doe was a skilled running back. he would study here free, and upon graduation his wife and first born also studied free and/or he got to continue in a masters program with the legacy scholarship/voucher covering costs of tuition, room, meal plan, and books. and if someone with the legacy scholarship didn't qualify academically for a program here, they could use it to go to another in state school such as Western Carolina, NC Central, etc. these scholarships could carry a significant amount of value after the athletics is said and done, and it wouldn't be the same as "paying" them.

12/23/2009 1:17:17 AM

4724 Posts
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everyone has opinions and is ready to shit on my idea but nobody has an alternative solution to the current problem (C)

12/23/2009 3:38:55 AM

Dick Danger
51059 Posts
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There is no problem, dweeb

12/23/2009 9:26:30 AM

uNC SUcks
All American
6270 Posts
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Quote :
"i think we should hand out "legacy scholarships" to these student athletes. i mean, each of the mentioned revenue generating student athletes would get a handful of scholarships to assign to their dependents and spouses. or they could be scholarships for the individual to get follow on degrees - undergard or grad, pending they qualify academically. they could be conditional, and used as vouchers to other in-state schools.

for example, say John Doe was a skilled running back. he would study here free, and upon graduation his wife and first born also studied free and/or he got to continue in a masters program with the legacy scholarship/voucher covering costs of tuition, room, meal plan, and books. and if someone with the legacy scholarship didn't qualify academically for a program here, they could use it to go to another in state school such as Western Carolina, NC Central, etc. these scholarships could carry a significant amount of value after the athletics is said and done, and it wouldn't be the same as "paying" them."

Like this idea. Or, that the player should get x $$$$ when they leave the program based on their contribution and what they brought to the school. It can also be used as a recruiting tool because we know it is already. They can negotiate "contracts" or "offers" or perks the player gets when their time is done. Like, if the bookstore is selling their jersey number, the player should get x% of the profits on the sales of that jersey. They can't get that money while they are in school as that would be against NCAA regulations, but I don't see why they couldn't get that after they leave. I think the percentage they get should be dependent upon whether or not they graduate, so a player that actually graduates from the university would receive a higher percentage or commission so to speak than someone that is one and done. The one and doners would make more money professionally than if they stayed all four years at school anyway, and the program pays out less in those circumstances so it does make some business sense.

12/23/2009 11:35:34 AM

All American
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Quote :
"free tuition + free food + free whatever else = getting paid"

Yes exactly. They have the opportunity to learn, recive a degree, get a higher paying career, and ideally live a better life (socioeconomially at least). And all they have to do is throw and catch a ball. I would say the compensation is fair.

12/23/2009 11:52:29 AM

All American
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^^ what you suggest in addition to a "legacy scholarship" or two would work out great i think

12/23/2009 12:16:45 PM

Dick Danger
51059 Posts
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Do you guys undertstand that making that sort of promise is a contractual agreement to be paid and would therefore make these guys professional athletes?

its not just against the rules to put money in their hands, its against money to promise them or provide expectation of any earning other than per diems

you cant even use a football players likeness or have them appear in any sort of charity where they dont get a dime. If they do and it wasnt approved by the AD then that athlete is a professional and can no longer play college ball

plus your suggestion is stupid to begin with, these guys practice the same, sit through the same bullshit meeting, and all wake up at 4 in the morning to do the same bullshit drills, no reason for young men and women that are AMATEURS to be assigned some kind of value for their role. That is for professional athletes and it should remain as such.

and you are assuming that all these amateur athletes want to go pro after they graduate. How many people do you actually think go pro? What about sports like track and wrestling where the biggest thing they have to look forward to is competing in the olympics. Are we supposed to imagine an amateur athletes value if they were to return to their home country and compete for them? How much is a basketball player gonna be worth playing pro ball in Turkey?

12/23/2009 12:44:10 PM

All American
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I think its kinda messed up that football and basketball players bring in millions per year to the school without getting a cut of any of it. But paying players would open up a whole new can of worms that would be pretty difficult to control.

12/23/2009 12:53:39 PM

4724 Posts
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there is a problem. the problem is that programs like usc and many others ALREADy pay athletes and theres no way to stop them. if you don't think anybody is paying athletes already, or you think it can be completely regulated then you live in a glass house.

12/23/2009 12:56:49 PM

All American
2504 Posts
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i don't think you understand what a glass house analogy means.

12/23/2009 1:43:28 PM

Dick Danger
51059 Posts
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So wait, somehow your solution and the problem are one in the same

12/23/2009 3:39:18 PM

All American
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Quote :
All American
1628 Posts
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I'm not sure exactly how this needs to be implemented but we definitely need to go ahead and make it legal for colleges to pay athletes"

Quote :
All American
1628 Posts
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there is a problem. the problem is that programs like usc and many others ALREADy pay athletes and theres no way to stop them"

12/23/2009 3:42:50 PM

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