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All American
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They're so delusional. I posted something on FB a while back to the tune of, "UNC sacrificed their credibility and morals in favor of winning, so they damn well better win on the field to have something to show for cheating," and one of my UNC grad friends told me she was personally offended because I insulted her "basketball family." How about being insulted by decades of cheating? Nope? All righty.

4/18/2018 3:03:25 PM

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4/18/2018 3:17:38 PM

All American
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4/18/2018 3:35:43 PM

All American
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figured they would probably be a little salty today after Sacha Killeya-Jones and they did not disappoint

Quote :
"Let's rember UNC stopped recruiting him this time. Not the other way around. That leads me to speculate that a silent commit has happened."

so supposedly SKJ has a silent commitment but they want to get on the high horse of unc stopped recruiting him. like everyone player that doesn't commit to that garbage dump they magically stop recruiting.

Quote :
"The Heels don't need him as much as he needed the Heels. At least playing for Roy he could have found out what it like playing for an honest program and not an OAD pro prep school.

Wish him the best of luck wherever he ends up. He may be a perfect fit for the wolf cub flea den."

high marks for the snobbery, head in the sand thinking unc is an honest program, and truly childish swipe at NCSU

Quote :
"I have heard the same State fans who give us sh*t about academics talking smack about being the frontrunner (idk if that's even true) for SKJ.

The irony that we turned this young man down because he basically was not fit to be a college student is somehow lost on these morons. Do they think that he's magically going to turn into an eligible student when/if he gets to Raleigh? And what does that say about their academics? Jeez."

more of the same unc is the apex of academic excellence, ignore the fact they had an athlete turning in a plagiarized middle school paper that most likely netted them an A.

they also pissed at David Robinson for calling them out
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"It seems no one at the university knew what was going on with AFAM, we opened ourselves to a total going over with a fine tooth comb by everyone. There was no "oh no they we find out about AFAM", no one in charge seemed to know about AFAM. For UNC maybe it was a good thing but it isn't right for the sports teams to be hurt so much by this. It is just general stupidity that goes on these days in all levels of everything."

they hired their own investigator and redacted so much info that the only words you could read were the, that, as etc etc so the fine tooth comb thing is out the window. If no one was in the know about what was going on that's at least LOIC and the sports teams weren't hurt which is why people are still so pissed!

[Edited on May 15, 2018 at 3:49 PM. Reason : every time with the damn slash]

5/15/2018 3:48:30 PM

3753 Posts
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Quote :
"We don't deserve it! Not a Regional, not a Super Regional, nothing. This was a total friggin embarrassment. Hell, they don't deserve to be in the Tournament after that game.

Poor fielding, no hitting, didn't play to win. Bases loaded TWICE, not one bunt. Naw, stay home."

5/24/2018 12:19:51 AM

All American
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Quote :
"benfox said... (original post)

As I said not being able to deliver Adams is another example of Fedora not being a great or good manager of the program. I dont see it getting any better under his guidance. Do you? Does anyone?"

6/5/2018 9:31:12 PM

All American
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Quote :
"What exactly is State doing to get these kids? They had a good year last year but not great. They did have many players drafted this year and this could certainly help persuade kids to go there. This is the sort of thing that really makes me think that our standards for admission are higher and/or other schools are pushing the "you will have to work much harder academically at Carolina" angle."

6/13/2018 9:19:27 PM

Sprots Talk Mod
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6/13/2018 10:34:54 PM

All American
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Fuck them

6/13/2018 10:35:50 PM

All American
6115 Posts
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I went to high school with a guy that got a football scholarship to UNC. One of the dumbest people I have ever met. But ^^^ that guy is probably right.

6/14/2018 4:11:27 AM

oh we back
25819 Posts
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fuck them soooo much

also...unc football pretty regularly brings in top 25 classes with no on-field success to match their recruiting success

6/14/2018 6:47:30 AM

All American
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^^I thought it was widely known that NCSU's admission standards for athletes was considerably higher than UNC's.

6/14/2018 9:49:36 AM

oh we back
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(i think they're probably the same, really).

6/14/2018 10:17:08 AM

All American
524 Posts
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Quote :
"When we do get them and sign them we have shown it’s hard, damn near impossible to keep them. Do you think opposing schools are pointing out how many defensive line recruits we are losing and the difference in requirements to stay eligible and to get into unc in the first place?"

i'd think most opposing coaches would want to shy away from talking unc academics simply because they don't want the recruits to know they can go to unc and not have to worry about actually going to school to be eligible.

Quote :
"It's not all about the academic requirements, but that is a very visible symptom. It doesnt help that we have not been able to field a competent defense for the last 6 years. Elite recruits dont want to be a part of a D like that"

at least one of them sort of gets it

6/14/2018 1:14:39 PM

All American
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That last one has probably already been banned from IC and trespassed from UNC's campus by now.

6/15/2018 12:09:59 PM

All American
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I've been sorta trolling them since one of them started talking (in their salty thread about CJ Clark) about our "classes taught by coaches" and another about how Jordon Brown's mom "made him take State out of the running" because of our academics. Really surprised I haven't been banned yet, but enjoyed this recent post in response to my pointing out that both athletes and non-athletes (FYC students specifically) at State can take two 1-hour intro to university studies courses, not just athletes.

Quote :
"So, an athlete can get 4 hrs. credit for basically just sitting in a class? I still think it’s more difficult to write a 20 page paper. Also, I’m sure the paper was being review by support staff, and required constant changing and correcting. These athletes only classes shouldn’t be allowed because they give special treatment to athletes, something the so called “fake classes” didn’t do."

6/22/2018 4:01:50 PM

All American
524 Posts
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Quote :
"7 wins (presumably n a good year given your 5-7 wins) is not satisfactory. We are tailback U. We produced LT and Peppers"

We are tailback U! Just look at these two examples of football players who were not tailbacks!!

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"I wish it was as simple as losing Coach Fedora but I think it goes much deeper than that into decisions made in the Athletic and Administration departments that have alienated our traditional recruiting base without making gains to offset in state losses. Pursuing a more progressive /diverse/ whatever you want to call it image has just not meshed with our traditional football recruiting. Interesting, even though State academically has followed this model as well, they seem to have maintained better touch with their more rural roots, perhaps ag, I don't know. But our conversion of the business school to a more corporate model has had a huge effect on our small business base as one example, and that has been a mainstay of our instate domination for decades."

yeah those high school kids aren't going to play ball for unc because of their business school

7/10/2018 12:54:30 PM

All American
11995 Posts
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Signing a LOI to own the libs.

7/11/2018 11:56:25 AM

I'm Eggscellent
12776 Posts
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Lol. Somebody check what got mixed into Larry's red bull.

They're having a bit of an 'oh shit' moment over on IC right now realizing how crazy that came off.

7/18/2018 2:22:43 PM

All American
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I’d point and laugh but I could easily see Doreen saying the same

it’s gross

7/18/2018 2:52:19 PM

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7/18/2018 3:12:28 PM

I'm Eggscellent
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Quote :
"I’d point and laugh but I could easily see Doreen saying the same"

I think there are probably a bunch of people who feel this way but are smart enough not to throw it out there unsolicited. Especially at an event that isn't exactly hard hitting journalism. This thing was made to give everyone puff pieces to write in the slow leaduo to the season.

7/18/2018 3:20:36 PM

All American
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I think Doeren say some annoying shit post-game, usually excuses why we lost, but I don't see Doeren sticking his foot in his mouth like this.

Feel like the moderator or last question should have just quoted Billy Madison. His ramblings really made him come off as a nut-job who chugged one too many Red Bulls. Instead of getting his ass wings it gave him brain damage apparently.

7/18/2018 3:32:28 PM

All American
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My favorite part is that one of the lead researchers on CTE, Kevin Guskiewicz, is the Dean of theargesg undgrad school at UNC. So Larry is not just shooting off at science, he's literally questioning the Dean of one of the largest programs where he works! Fucking idiot.

[Edited on July 19, 2018 at 1:07 PM. Reason : ]

7/19/2018 1:05:56 PM

All American
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I'm enjoying the shit Fedora has been getting the past 24 hours, but he wasn't exactly wrong.

Quote :
"“I totally agree with him,” says Peter Cummings, a neuropathologist and associate professor of anatomy and neurobiology at Boston University School of Medicine. “Association is not causation. CTE has also been found in individuals not exposed to contact sports. It’s not a settled matter by any means. And football is safer today than it has ever been. In fact, I would argue that no other sport has made a more radical transformation in response to safety concerns than football. His comments reflect the reality of the scientific uncertainty surrounding CTE.”"

Quote :
"Kevin Guskiewicz would ban boxing but he has sons who played football. He told the News & Observer, “There’s probably no better time to play sports, including contact sports, than right now because of how much more we know today about concussions.”"

[Edited on July 19, 2018 at 1:17 PM. Reason : 1]

7/19/2018 1:10:40 PM

26632 Posts
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the changes that are making football safer are the attacks on football he doesn't like that are making america fail

7/19/2018 1:23:40 PM

All American
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Is that what he said? Or is he implying that the media's narrative that football causes CTE is not accurate. So the media's unwillingness to accurately report the facts, as well as the general public's acceptance of whatever the media reports, regardless of the accuracy of the reporting, is what will make America fail.

7/19/2018 1:33:03 PM

All American
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my god what a spin artist you are

7/19/2018 1:48:58 PM

All American
1473 Posts
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It sounds to me like he's attempting this whole #FakeNews Republican narrative wherein by rallying the masses around the idea that America is the greatest country on earth causes everything else you say to be beyond reproach. However, he needs to realize that he works for UNC not some deep south highly republican 'merica fan base. His comments will not go over well with his fan base (i use the term fanbase loosely).

In regards to the CTE comment, ya, football does not exclusively cause CTE, repeated hits to the head cause it which is why DV victims, soldiers, boxers, female soccer players etc... experience it at a higher rate than the average jo. Football is one of the circumstances wherein CTE is common due to the repeated hits to the head. What's more disturbing is that this in all likelihood causes his judgement as to the need to protect his players. Im sure this will go over well with the moms of the kids he's recruiting.

7/19/2018 1:52:58 PM

26632 Posts
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unc fans aren't unc students, unc has the same idiot redneck fans as everyone else

7/19/2018 2:01:54 PM

Sprots Talk Mod
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7/19/2018 2:13:00 PM

148807 Posts
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Can we get some IC posts itt?

7/19/2018 2:14:01 PM

All American
3646 Posts
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Quote :
"Fedora said nothing that gives more ammo to our rivals. Fedora is what you call a football guy. You want your head coach to be a football guy who loves the game and loves talking about and coaching the game. Roy is the same way with basketball."

One of them gets it:

Quote :
"Fedora comes across like a meathead. For a team that barely could put 11 players on the field last year due to all the injuries we suffered, discounting the risk of injuries sounds incredibly dumb.

Even worse is he's saying this just before the start of two a days so our players can beat the shit of each other while the coach is humming God Bless America!"

[Edited on July 19, 2018 at 3:51 PM. Reason : sss]

7/19/2018 3:50:19 PM

Tom Joad
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If only there were some place on campus at UNC dedicated to studying traumatic brain injuries in athletes…


[Edited on July 20, 2018 at 11:51 AM. Reason : these people]

7/20/2018 11:49:46 AM

All American
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And as I said Kevin (who runs TBIC) also is the Dean of CALS and might be in contention to be the next Dean of Med School and CEO of UNC Health Care.

The other ironic thing is that the enlightened people who live around Larry and work at UNC are by far going away from football. It is so bad that only Carrbor and Chapel Hill High have fielded football teams. East doesn't have enough interest and the other two schools are scraping the bottom of the barrel to field a team at all.

7/20/2018 1:08:13 PM

Sink the Flagship
9818 Posts
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Dean of NCSU CALS? That's Richard Linton.

7/23/2018 9:35:21 AM

148807 Posts
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what a terrible bump

7/23/2018 1:32:56 PM

All American
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7/23/2018 3:08:12 PM

All American
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^^^No you fucking idiot, he is the Dean of the largest undergrad program and runs a center aimed at researching TBI/CTE AT FUCKING UNC. Hence the sheer lunacy of Larry shooting off at the mouth about some shit which is basically taking shots at the University that employs him and some of their most celebrated researchers.

Check this shit out from BC.

Bahahaha. Fucking love they give us shit about John Edwards, who definitely doesn't claim NCSU at all. He has a giant fucking basketball court at his house with a huge UNC logo in the middle and is probably got nicer decorations than Kenan. Saw that guy about two hours ago and he wasn't rocking NCSU gear I can assure you.

7/23/2018 7:07:10 PM

oh we back
25819 Posts
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kevin guskiewicz is the dean of UNC's College of Arts & Sciences. Not CALS which is a totally different thing.

7/24/2018 6:41:18 AM

Sprots Talk Mod
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^^you fucking idiot

7/24/2018 6:44:06 AM

All American
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7/24/2018 6:50:38 AM

All American
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I feel like even though it was a dumb error to think you were talking about the NCSU CALS dean, you called him an idiot for not knowing something that's not really household information. I mean, you work at UNC so you know that dude, but you got weirdly angry about allday's mistake.

[Edited on July 24, 2018 at 7:52 AM. Reason : sss]

7/24/2018 7:51:39 AM

All American
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I totally didn't understand why he thought I was talking about NCSU. It really wouldn't matter if he was pissing on professors at another school, but quite another thing to shit on professors/departments where you work; especially if they are in positions of authority.

^^I had posted it about 4 or 5 posts up before his, hence my pent up rage.

7/24/2018 10:54:01 AM

All American
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Nah I lol'ed at it too, throwing around Richard Linton's name like he was schooling you. The whole thing amused me way more than it should have.

7/24/2018 11:54:35 AM

Sprots Talk Mod
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7/24/2018 1:22:25 PM

All American
524 Posts
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let's get this thing back on track!!

Quote :
" There is an abc media and they thrive on our snafu's. Fed's comments have been blown out of proportion. UNC football is heavily involved with the CTE studies carried out by our own research center. Fedora is probably more qualified to speak on the subject than most coaches"

[quote]Around The Horn? Now there’s a real think tank. There is like 3 people who have jobs that watch that show.[quote/]

7/25/2018 1:43:42 PM

All American
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On someone ripping Fedora for the CTE comments:

Quote :
" The "science" that he kept harping on CTE is hardly conclusive, that's the nature of science. You keep asking questions and you keep learning more, but save gravity, there really aren't conclusions in science and health - it's a continuous journey for more information."

Gravity is the only proven scientific fact ever, apparently.

7/25/2018 7:05:58 PM

45912 Posts
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Quote :
""“I totally agree with him,” says Peter Cummings, a neuropathologist and associate professor of anatomy and neurobiology at Boston University School of Medicine. “Association is not causation. CTE has also been found in individuals not exposed to contact sports. It’s not a settled matter by any means. And football is safer today than it has ever been. In fact, I would argue that no other sport has made a more radical transformation in response to safety concerns than football. His comments reflect the reality of the scientific uncertainty surrounding CTE.”""

Dumbass is dumb.

Football isn't the cause of CTE and I don't know of any legitimate researcher saying such. Chronic exposure to mild to severe head trauma, or acute exposure to severe head trauma, cause CTE. Football happens to be very high risk for such trauma; moreso than any other activity I can think of, save fighting sports. Multiply the risk / reported cases by the number of participants in any given activity and you begin to see why football rises to the top. It's basic thinking skills here.

7/26/2018 8:32:35 AM

I'm Eggscellent
12776 Posts
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Quote :
"InsideCarolina @InsideCarolina
The #UNC suspensions dominated the headlines today, but there were other team developments to report, including RB buzz, the QB starter, emerging freshmen, and defensive excitement"


8/6/2018 9:59:36 PM

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