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PTP with a face turn a result of Darren Young's public coming out, perhaps?

The Shield with yet another match...either Rollins is playing the knee for an angle or it's really killing him and he's just powering through. I say angle.

8/19/2013 9:55:51 PM

All American
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we all know wrestling fans love the gays. remember HLA?

8/19/2013 10:03:38 PM

Flyin Ryan
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^^ Well, yes.

2 weeks ago, they're heel jobbers.

This week, with no smartening up of the audience by the announcers, they're faces for no reason in kayfabe. They never did a face turn on TV, so why for the 90% of the audience that don't know Darren Young or pay attention to what these guys do outside of a wrestling ring, are the PTPers faces?

The whole thing was a contrived publicity stunt and if WWE didn't plan it, the PTPers wouldn't be faces on TV this week, but why not explain why they're good guys out of the blue or invent a reason for why?

Re Rollins, if it was an angle, they never mentioned it in their 2nd match with Big Show and Rollins was still going over the top rope and clutching his knee.

Punk just cut the best promo on a fan.

[Edited on August 19, 2013 at 10:14 PM. Reason : /]

8/19/2013 10:06:30 PM

All American
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Eh, I think PTP make more sense as faces anyway. They're funny and they dance.

But yeah any push they're getting at the moment is definitely because of Darren Young.

8/19/2013 11:16:19 PM

All American
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How the hell did no one mention the Colons?

Primo + Epico + Tito Santana's pants + Aldo Montoya's mask = LOS MATADORES

8/20/2013 1:55:07 AM

All American
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should have brought back Los Conquistadores


8/20/2013 10:42:30 AM

All American
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good to see Vince has opened up his big book of racial stereotypes

8/20/2013 11:21:06 AM

All American
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Honestly, I won't mind if having a matador gimmick gives them an excuse to work at full speed.

Also, the same ref who had the wonky Nattie/AJ finish last week had another one this week. Whichever Funkadactyl it was rolled up Layla way too strong, then let her go on a two count because the ref (rightly) didn't start counting until Layla was actually pinned. He hesitated and then called for the bell because Layla was already selling the roll-up loss.

8/20/2013 1:28:34 PM

Flyin Ryan
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This is why Cena is booed and Punk is cheered.

8/20/2013 10:00:31 PM

All American
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That video was removed. What was it?

8/21/2013 2:59:41 PM

Flyin Ryan
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unfortunately has some chick in a sidebar, but here it is:

8/21/2013 5:21:00 PM

All American
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the doctor should have taken cena's arm home with him

8/21/2013 6:05:58 PM

All American
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^^ I didn't know if it was some off-camera stuff or what. I can't believe I missed dopey-ass @WWEsBiggestFan in those shots.

8/21/2013 7:55:18 PM

All American
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What did that video have to do with cena getting booed?

8/21/2013 10:53:25 PM

5881 Posts
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that chick in the video makes me want to cut my head off.

8/21/2013 11:18:41 PM

Flyin Ryan
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Just a comparison of the sincerity or lack thereof of what Punk and Cena say during in-ring promos to react to the crowd.

Not saying if Punk did that every week it'd be a good thing, and that promo on the fan wasn't part of the script, but Cena would be more likable if he acted like a real person and had more genuine reactions to things, like the crowd booing him instead of fake laughing it off and telling people they have freedom of speech. It'd be completely out of character for Cena to do what Punk did, but Punk cutting that promo ensured few people would boo him as long as he's a face.

[Edited on August 21, 2013 at 11:24 PM. Reason : /]

8/21/2013 11:22:21 PM

All American
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Cena has seemed to be making fun of himself a lot the last few months. It's making him a bit more tolerable.

8/21/2013 11:26:30 PM

All American
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John Cena has never been funny. Playing his reputation with WWE crowds for laughs isn't funny.

Serious Cena can be really good (his promo on the go-home Raw was excellent), so the fact that he's ignoring his one area of talent on the mic just to do bad, hacky comedy makes it that much worse.

8/22/2013 12:00:41 AM

Flyin Ryan
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They say he's out 4 to 6 months, so that schedules him back for the Royal Rumble probably, although in "John Cena Accelerated Injury Recovery Time" it could be Survivor Series I guess.

8/22/2013 12:21:49 PM

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8/22/2013 3:30:39 PM

Flyin Ryan
All American
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Steve Austin interviewing Ric Flair.

8/24/2013 2:57:45 PM

All American
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this is the only way an Austin/Flair interview should go:

Quote :

Quote :

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Quote :

8/24/2013 3:47:12 PM

All American
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8/25/2013 11:39:38 AM

All American
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wow Rhyno sure has bulked up

8/25/2013 12:38:09 PM

Flyin Ryan
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From the "he was still employed?" file, Ted Dibiase Jr. is going to let his contract expire and not resign with WWE.

When I went to Smackdown in February, he wrestled as a face in the dark match prior to any of the TV tapings.

8/26/2013 5:58:01 PM

All American
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David Otunga
Ezekiel Jackson
Curt Hawkins

When was the last time we saw any of these employed, healthy wrestlers? Even Yoshi Tatsu was in Ryback's soup line.

I should note that I never watch Main Event, so I might be missing these guys in squashes here and there.

8/26/2013 7:03:59 PM

All American
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what did that poor kid ever do to Adam Gold?

as for Dibiase, maybe he should invest in some calcium supplements. never seen someone so constantly injured.

[Edited on August 26, 2013 at 7:16 PM. Reason : .]

8/26/2013 7:14:28 PM

All American
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Can't see them letting go of Otunga due to his mainstream connections, though I am very mildly suprised they haven't tried to find a role for him recently.

8/26/2013 7:31:28 PM

Flyin Ryan
All American
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Quote :
David Otunga
Ezekiel Jackson
Curt Hawkins

When was the last time we saw any of these employed, healthy wrestlers?"

Evan Bourne has been healthy for a few months waiting for direction from WWE.

JTG's employment has become a bit of a running joke. He's this generation's Funaki.

Hawkins I think is at NXT. Seeing as they're doing nothing with Zack Ryder I don't know why WWE just doesn't reform their tag team.

[Edited on August 26, 2013 at 8:30 PM. Reason : /]

8/26/2013 8:26:10 PM

Flyin Ryan
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Watching Raw on DVR and viewing the opening segment. I'm having flashbacks to 10 years ago: Triple H is the center of the world. The champion is an afterthought that rarely speaks.

We're 8 days into his 20-year-long reign of him being Vince 2.0.

(Triple H puts Bryan in a gauntlet tonight of the Shield, in order of Seth Rollins, Dean Ambrose, and Roman Reigns. Bryan-Rollins and Bryan-Ambrose will be great.)

[Edited on August 26, 2013 at 9:20 PM. Reason : .]

8/26/2013 8:56:06 PM

Flyin Ryan
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JBL: "If Rihanna and Chris Brown get back together all the time I don't understand why C.M. Punk and Paul Heyman can't."

Dead air for 5-10 seconds til JBL speaks again.

An actual good woman's promo. A.J. came out after a Natalya-Brie Bella match with everyone ringside and buried the shit out of Total Divas, it was pretty much C.M. Punk's gimmick put into a diva.

[Edited on August 26, 2013 at 9:44 PM. Reason : .]

8/26/2013 9:22:44 PM

All American
1492 Posts
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read the article above that HHH has. Will enlighten you all.

8/27/2013 12:22:18 AM

All American
7022 Posts
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dbry vs shield could have been so much better

a.j.'s promo was awesome

rest of raw sucked

8/27/2013 1:57:38 AM

Flyin Ryan
All American
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^ The Orton-Christian match was best thing on the show.

8/27/2013 8:35:03 AM

All American
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Yeah, it was easily the best match. But that promo was fantastic.

8/27/2013 8:38:56 AM

All American
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Quote :
"read the article above that HHH has. Will enlighten you all."

There's a lot of good stuff in that article. Still, it bears repeating that the guy saying "Triple H ain't so bad" is Triple H.

8/27/2013 11:43:42 AM

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8/27/2013 12:10:23 PM

35781 Posts
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so many favorite things. and Kofi

8/29/2013 1:19:00 PM

All American
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8/29/2013 2:45:37 PM

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8/29/2013 2:52:21 PM

All American
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^^ that's about right, BROTHER

8/29/2013 2:59:05 PM

35781 Posts
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why is the referee conducting a symphony?

8/29/2013 3:05:59 PM

Flyin Ryan
All American
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if you care about these things, WWE title match on Smackdown Friday night; Triple H orders a Randy Orton vs. Miz match for the title

8/29/2013 8:26:04 PM

Flyin Ryan
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sounds like I missed a crummy edition of Raw

9/3/2013 9:14:06 AM

All American
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Been a little too strong on the heel faction domination...would've been nice to see Bryan come out on top for once. Maybe it'll happen on Smackdown or Raw next week.

9/3/2013 9:17:04 AM

All American
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A very bad Raw.


9/3/2013 3:17:03 PM

All American
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what good is an "iron-clad" contract if it isn't "iron-clad"? fucking wwe writers

9/3/2013 7:21:52 PM

All American
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Nothing is iron-clad if it's signed by a Dynamic Dude.

9/3/2013 7:50:51 PM

Flyin Ryan
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Quote :
"Chris Jericho was a guest on The LAW: Live Audio Wrestling this past Sunday promoting the upcoming Fozzy show in Toronto on September 15th at the Phoenix Concert Theatre. The show is available at and includes Jericho sharing a great story about the night before this year's Royal Rumble where he made a surprise return and worked for 48-minutes in the Rumble.

I was in Anaheim at the North American Music Merchants Convention, which is where all the bands go and do signing for whoever it is that you’re endorsed by, and it’s a really giant convention thing. Afterwards, it’s just like a huge party. I was with M. Shadows from Avenged (Sevenfold), a really good friend of mine, and with a couple other guys from Avenged as well. We got completely plastered and loaded, and it ended up with me demanding that Matt’s friend let me kiss him on the lips. I wouldn't leave the car, and finally when I did leave the car I chased him around the car and then jumped on the hood of the car and wouldn't let him leave. Then the cops were called, and they were gonna arrest me. I was like “If I get arrested and thrown in the drunk bank tonight and miss the Royal Rumble, I’m probably gonna be in pretty big trouble.” So I stopped what I was doing, got in the car, and as we were driving away I punched him in the face as hard as I could. It was just like the worst feeling; everyone was so mad at me, and Shadows was like “You can’t punch guys in the face!” I felt awful. I woke up about an hour later and I had to go catch a flight, but I felt bad because I punched Shadows’ friend in the face, so I called that guy and apologized. Then my flight was delayed. I finally landed in Phoenix, got ready in one of the crew buses, and went out and wrestled for 48 minutes. So yes, that is how Jericho rolls.

I remember Vince McMahon asked me the next day, “You haven’t wrestled in such a long time. I mean, obviously you’re in good shape, but how did you go out there and do 48 minutes and do all the stuff that you did?” I was like, “I don’t know.” I don’t know how I did it; I didn't even realize it was 48 minutes until afterwards. Someone told me, “You were out there for 48 minutes,” and I was like, “Oh, wow! That’s awesome.” It’s one of those things. It’s just part of the job, I guess.
(Transcribed by Chris Maffei)

Catch The LAW every Sunday night on TSN 1050 Toronto, The TEAM 1410 Vancouver, Sirius/XM 167 and at "

Christian out for the time being with a concussion.

Cody Rhodes' "firing" is him getting some time off to get married and have a honeymoon with his new wife. I guess the writing crew didn't know, otherwise they wouldn't've had him go over Damien Sandow this past PPV and the following Raw match in a row.

[Edited on September 3, 2013 at 10:54 PM. Reason : /]

9/3/2013 10:49:58 PM

All American
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orton might have the worst entrance music of all time, fortunately alice in chains just came out with a good song about voices in your head

9/7/2013 8:24:01 PM

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