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 Message Boards » » Perpetual "Cop Shoots an Unarmed Person" Thread Page 1 ... 25 26 27 28 [29] 30 31 32 33 ... 69, Prev Next  
All American
39457 Posts
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yet some will continue to believe police reports as if they are absolute fact

[Edited on March 12, 2016 at 5:34 PM. Reason : .]

3/12/2016 5:33:54 PM

All American
48079 Posts
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reposting for new page

Quote :

3/12/2016 6:50:45 PM

All American
34409 Posts
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Ouch, they messed up saying it was self defense. Should have gone with they had information he was an imminent danger, and went from there...

3/12/2016 7:00:08 PM

All American
2281 Posts
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fuck the police

[Edited on March 20, 2016 at 6:28 PM. Reason : u]

3/20/2016 6:28:30 PM

All American
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Great, now we're all gonna get shot for holding our phone.

Quote :
"A concealed carry gun is coming out this year that can be folded into a box resembling a smartphone ... a feature that makes cops nervous."

3/21/2016 2:42:02 PM

play so hard
60940 Posts
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Hopefully good guys will buy them up.

[Edited on March 21, 2016 at 4:56 PM. Reason : V ok that was funny]

3/21/2016 4:50:00 PM

All American
1356 Posts
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Is that picture from bladerunner?

3/21/2016 4:54:20 PM

114575 Posts
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let's be real here bros

most of the people they shot probably deserved it

even if they didn't deserve it at that particular moment, they were probably pieces of shit

3/21/2016 4:58:30 PM

114575 Posts
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Quote :
"fuck the police"


3/21/2016 4:58:51 PM

All American
28541 Posts
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Why are you okay with being a shitty person?

3/21/2016 5:08:36 PM

All American
23063 Posts
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Looks like they found Denkin's DNA on Twiddy's gun. Also found his DNA on the stolen gun, and coke in his system.

Twiddy isn't being charged.

4/13/2016 4:15:10 PM

All American
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Just like asking a 4 year old "who spilled the milk?", the state concludes that they did nothing wrong.

[Edited on April 13, 2016 at 4:20 PM. Reason : Quiz: Which federal government organization brought that cocaine into the US?]

4/13/2016 4:18:32 PM

All American
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him having coke in his system has absolutely nothing to do with the situation

it's almost as if they throw that out there so that a group of people will latch onto it...

4/13/2016 4:31:09 PM

50085 Posts
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Just proves he's a THUG, am I right.

4/13/2016 4:39:16 PM

148790 Posts
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I think the fact that he was in the Bloods proves that he was a thug...

[Edited on April 13, 2016 at 5:07 PM. Reason : regardless of how the shooting went down]

4/13/2016 5:07:10 PM

All American
15537 Posts
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^^^but if the cop pissed in a cup and had something in it would be a deal right?

[Edited on April 13, 2016 at 5:08 PM. Reason : ps this a troll post]

4/13/2016 5:08:14 PM

26632 Posts
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are you seriously asking if its the same thing if a police officer has cocaine in their system while working?

god damn all you guys are retarded

4/13/2016 5:13:56 PM

All American
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technically speaking the thug was on the clock as well

4/13/2016 5:19:42 PM

#1 Sir Purr Fan
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The bit about cocaine in his system could be used to suggest that he was particularly paranoid or aggressive at the time of the shooting. Maybe he indulged in a bunch of cocaine, like people in the movies and stuff. Still, if anything, it's a reminder that the only reason he and the officer were interacting is some old drug warrants.

And I was actually wondering if they tested the cop. A nice balance of weed and speed paired with biannual detox would make for an effective police force.

4/13/2016 5:25:32 PM

All American
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So the fact that he was on a substance that could potentially alter his behavior has nothing to do with the shotting? Oh ok. Thanks for enlightening me.

4/13/2016 6:19:52 PM

balls deep
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I mean, he could have done blow 2 or 3 days before the incident. Just because it was in his system doesn't necessarily mean he was high.

4/13/2016 6:23:16 PM

All American
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^^no, it doesn't

[Edited on April 13, 2016 at 6:24 PM. Reason : ^ exactly]

4/13/2016 6:23:37 PM

148790 Posts
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coke is out of your system within a day

4/13/2016 6:33:27 PM

#1 Sir Purr Fan
31378 Posts
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It could take a little longer, but if we were taking bets, we'd probably all guess he was at least a bit high. I mean, if 9-5ers can't make it through a whole day of ass-sitting without Xanax, Adderal, Zoloft, and Cymbalta, then this guy probably enjoyed a little help, too.

4/13/2016 6:40:58 PM

All American
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even if he had done a few lines before the incident, coke isn't going to make a dude go for a cops gun

4/13/2016 6:48:24 PM

148790 Posts
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Coke can make people who are prone to violence more likely to get violent. Clearly his first intention seemed to be to run away, but I don't know how you're so sure that fueling up a gang member isn't going to make him more likely to try and get violent with a cop.

[Edited on April 13, 2016 at 7:00 PM. Reason : mind altering substances tend to alter the mind]

4/13/2016 6:58:56 PM

11093 Posts
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Cocaine is a hell of a drug

4/13/2016 7:01:50 PM

All American
24527 Posts
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Quote :
"I mean, he could have done blow 2 or 3 days before the incident"

Cocaine will clear a blood test in less than a day; I doubt they had the dead guy pissing in a cup.

4/13/2016 10:49:00 PM

5608 Posts
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Who cares if the thug was in a gang, on drugs, and fought a cop? HE WAS BLACK, and the COP WAS WHITE! It's RACIST!


I am so outraged.

4/13/2016 11:15:58 PM

balls deep
89855 Posts
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Literature I've read says cocaine stays in a user's system, and is detectable by standard tests anywhere from 2 - 4 days.

[Edited on April 14, 2016 at 11:17 AM. Reason : D]

4/14/2016 11:16:03 AM

50085 Posts
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^^ is it fun arguing against made up opposition?

4/14/2016 11:19:37 AM

All American
10904 Posts
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what was the argument again? was this man unarmed or armed?

4/14/2016 12:08:50 PM

50085 Posts
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Don't think there was one aside from one guy making up quotes and then arguing against them.

This isn't nearly as controversial as some other cases.

4/14/2016 12:39:51 PM

play so hard
60940 Posts
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Can someone sum up any evidence/witness accounts that contradict the cops story? I get the whole "cops often lie on their reports" thing...but in this case, at this point, what is there?

[Edited on April 14, 2016 at 1:03 PM. Reason : V and we don't have access to the full autopsy? did the family have an autopsy done? ]

4/14/2016 12:56:43 PM

balls deep
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IIRC, witnesses said he was shot in the back. Who the heck knows where those witnesses are today.

4/14/2016 1:01:39 PM

All American
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Quote :
"This isn't nearly as controversial as some other cases."

I wish it were. The outrage that would have been projected towards the white cop if it was clearly a racial killing would benefit the community if that same outrage would be targeted towards the culture that keeps getting young men killed. If people would have rallied at the police station, why not rally at a gang's house?

4/14/2016 1:12:49 PM

balls deep
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^ I'd imagine it's because the situations aren't analagous. A police officer is an agent of the government, whereas an individual is not. Race is also a protected class, whereas the police are not. Also, don't ignore the long and violent history of the police in America

4/14/2016 1:24:41 PM

All American
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They aren't the same, but don't you think a similar reaction could benefit the community?

4/14/2016 1:35:55 PM

All American
28541 Posts
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Dude, there are all kinds of organizations, meetings, activists, etc whose purpose is to address and curb gang violence. Why are you acting like there aren't?

Very similar to the people who constantly complain that moderate muslims don't speak out against terrorism (when many do).

4/14/2016 1:44:04 PM

All American
1356 Posts
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No one wants to talk about how the muslim world was not as strict until after WW2 either

4/14/2016 1:46:06 PM

balls deep
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Im not sure I really understand your query.

A horde of police or community members protesting outside of a dead guy's house (or his parents house) ? Nah, I don't think it would be that beneficial. Sounds kind of dangerous actually.

Or are you talking about the black community condemning the unlawful** actions of an individual? They probably always have, and still do.

Or are you insinuating that it is black culture that told this guy to commit a crime?

** for the sake of your argument, I'll assume the dead guy was guilty of whatever it is he was doing.

4/14/2016 1:49:32 PM

All American
10904 Posts
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Quote :
"Dude, there are all kinds of organizations, meetings, activists, etc whose purpose is to address and curb gang violence. Why are you acting like there aren't?

You're right, these exist but you don't see them as often or their actions. Maybe they organized a rally and shut down traffic, marched against known gang houses for a murder this year, but I didn't see that on the news or twitter.

Quote :
"Or are you insinuating that it is black culture that told this guy to commit a crime?

i didnt say anything about black culture

[Edited on April 14, 2016 at 2:31 PM. Reason : alslkjlsa]

4/14/2016 2:25:25 PM

All American
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Quote :
"You're right, these exist but you don't see them as often or their actions."

Yeah because Black community works to lower crime rates is a shit news headline. The news is supposedly a representation of the LEAST common occurrences. Otherwise they wouldn't be news right? So when you get all your information from the LEAST common things then what collection of data do you have?

[Edited on April 14, 2016 at 2:36 PM. Reason : ]

4/14/2016 2:33:56 PM

balls deep
89855 Posts
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Of course you didn't say anything about blk culture. That's why I asked what exactly you meant by your query...

Quote :
"..that same outrage would be targeted towards the culture that keeps getting young men killed"

It's there where I didn't know which culture you were referring to. Typically, culture isn't used to describe something as small as a community or neighborhood. You usually see it used to describe attributes of a race, ethnicity, region, age group, or country.

Anyway, I wouldn't recommend a bunch of neighborhood citizens go raise a ruckus outside of a gang member's house.... That sounds like a recipe for disaster. Hell, I don't even know why we are talking about gangs here....was this guy who was shot in a gang?
You see, protesting and stopping traffic is an effective means to get the attention of those politicians in govt. capable of enacting change from the top. I'm not so sure the desired effect would be obtained blocking Piru Street. There have been marches and protests though.... I would wager that you never heard of them because you never looked them up.

[Edited on April 14, 2016 at 3:00 PM. Reason : Dd]

4/14/2016 2:56:41 PM

All American
28541 Posts
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Quote :
"was this guy who was shot in a gang?"

yeah, his facebook page made it pretty obvious that he probably was, or was at least affiliated with the bloods (posing with other guys in red bandannas, throwing gang signs, and even a picture that praised bloods)'

Quote :
"but I didn't see that on the news or twitter."

LOL, are you being willfully ignorant?

4/14/2016 4:34:26 PM

148790 Posts
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These guys at his makeshift memorial service probably just like the color red

4/14/2016 4:46:33 PM

All American
23063 Posts
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Quote :
"You see, protesting and stopping traffic is an effective means to get the attention of those politicians in govt. capable of enacting change from the top."

What kind of change are you talking about though, in the context of this particular incident? Want to make drugs legal, so he wouldn't have had previous charges? Want to make not showing up for court a non-issue, so he wouldn't have had a warrant out for his arrest? Want to make it legal to run from a cop, so he wouldn't have been chased?

I just can't fathom that some people think that coke had nothing to do with this, as well as people thinking that the cop shouldn't have given chase and that he could just get picked up later.

4/14/2016 8:29:15 PM

5608 Posts
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You're trying to apply logic and reasoning to liberalism's concept of an "infallible victim". A white person shot a black person, so society is racist. That is the narrative and the facts around this incident don't matter to them.

4/14/2016 8:43:08 PM

All American
2281 Posts
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4/14/2016 8:58:21 PM

All American
39457 Posts
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Quote :
"I just can't fathom that some people think that coke had nothing to do with this, as well as people thinking that the cop shouldn't have given chase and that he could just get picked up later."

what do you know about cocaine?

serious question

I have a sneaking suspicion that a majority of your knowledge comes from D.A.R.E.

4/14/2016 9:13:48 PM

 Message Boards » Chit Chat » Perpetual "Cop Shoots an Unarmed Person" Thread Page 1 ... 25 26 27 28 [29] 30 31 32 33 ... 69, Prev Next  
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